I'll wait a minute and watch those guards. If it looks like they lose interest I'll cross the street to avoid this dog. If it looks like they've found my trail then I'll open my energy bar (quietly!) and break it in half. I'll try and sneak by the dog, but if he wakes up and sees me and doesn't bark I'll drop half the bar in his circle of terror and continue quietly over the wall into the next yard (and next yard and next yard, gotta put as much space as possible between the noise making thing and myself). If it does bark, then I'll bolt over the wall and the next few yards.
You hear one of the guards shout something, and it looks like they've found something very interesting to look at. it could be your trail. opening up the Nerps bar, you break it in half, putting the part with the wraper back in your pocket, and holding the other half in a clenched fist as you scrable over the wall and into the next yard. as you plop into the next yard, you hear a whimper from the dog house, and the most beat up animal you have ever seen drags it's self out of the house breathing heavily. it was probibly a big dog at one time, but now it's missing one eye, one leg, two feet, and is mostly skin and bones. it's mouth is almost compleatly devoid of teeth, and it's fur is sporting a blueish green hue you probibly could only acheve with gene-engenering, or mold. the dog slowly drags it's self towards you while whimpering softly.