Hey, MFI. I tried to call, but your phone was giving me hell.
Everything still cool? Where are we at on this job? I picked up the healer, *points to Sam* Sam, this is Mister Fix-It. MFI, this is Sam.
"Wonderfull! Great! Good to Meet Ja'!, the job is almost a Go. Basicly this is a high class data-steal. and, as you may notice, neither of you are what we might call 'data' experts. so, ja... anyways, dosn't matter. you need ONE PARTICULAR Data boy for this run. an inside man that just recently poped up on the grid as a possible back door. i need you two to find him, and convince him that he needs to see the light. money, threats, whatever works. i don't care. and it hurts me to say that, because i'm a careing guy. so, anyways. his name is Taka-sh...er.... something... Whatever. Nameless Suit # 234098. recently divorced from his megacorp. Here is his file. not much. home address, license plate number, that sorta thing. no real good leads. i need you to track him down. once you get him 'on board' with the rest of us, we'll have a decent team to actually do a run with. for this bit of 'legwork' i'm offering you 5K each, half upfront, half when you get him here. you can offer him up to $100K for his services. it'll just come out of your cut for the next run. (that'll pay about 200K, so whatever you don't need to offer him, you get to keep) so, you ready for your 2.5K upfront deposit?"