Can I grab the top of the wall and pull myself over without her noticing?
you can almost reach the top of the wall from your posisition on top of the termite infested gazibo. if you were standing up, and leaning out a little ways you'd have it easy. or a quick hop, and you'd be all over it. you could do a hop/roll thing to keep as small a profile as possible, but that may make a little noise (bouth in the jumping from the creaking wood pile, to the landing roughly on the other side) as to what she'd notice, that's hard to say. she did notice you in her backyard in the first place, so she's at least a little bit observant, she's actually looking for you, or stargazing right now, so any big commosions she's probibly going to notice, if you timed it right, you may be able to make it while she's not looking,... or perhaps waited and she would get board, or perhaps the gazibo will collapse and solve your problem for you... too many diffrent options to say for sure.