"Hold up Ray. Killian isn't your boss anymore, Takamura is. Let's go report to him and see what he has to say about this whole deal. This isn't only your project, it's mine too..and I wouldn't want to give up something I've worked really hard on just like that. We're months ahead of schedule, don't you think we'd get some merits? I'm sure Takamura wouldn't appreciate someone trying to take his projects away." Takashi turns to leave the cubicle. "C'mon, let's go to Takamura's office. Besides, this way we let them deal with it and can keep our noses clean."
Ray begins to follow you slowly, still hesetant to do anything aghinst the will of a manager, but slowly he begins to follow. "You know, i think that Takamura is working this evening. i heard him say something about a late meeting." you walk in an uncomfortable silence and Raymond trys really hard to wipe the oarnge stains off of his hands by wipeing them on his pants, but it's not working. you get to the elevator and hit the button to Takamura's floor <24> the elevator opens, and you reach the 24th floor in silence. you are walking down the halway lit only by the auxilary lighting when you get close to Takamura's office. the door is open, and you can hear movement from inside the room, it sounds like Takamura is re-arranging the furniture.