Takashi speaks on a quiet tone, close to Omar so he can hear him. "Omar, I'm in trouble. I need some place to hide quick. Can you help me?" At that Takashi takes a quick glance around trying to notice anything out of the ordinary.
You notice another guy from your building is here with his suped-up supra. you've seen him at races before, but you were in diffrent devisions in the company... he dosn't seem to have noticed you yet though...
"Yea, sure thing amigo, I'd be happy to help you out. you always do a decent job of spliting the pot when i set it up for you... and you never cry when you don't win. I figure I owe you something just for that. Listen, I gotta stick this out till the party dies down a bit, it wouldn't be seeming for the host to ditch his guests, but if you are really scared you can go crawl into the coffin motel in the next parking lot... lots of racers er... 'crash' there to celebrate. I can go take you someplace realy secure in like four hours or so... or, feel free to don some dark sunglasses, a hooded sweatshirt, and try to enjoy a cold beer for awhile, it looks like you need some quality relaxing time anyways...