I unleash a thunderclap at the nearest copter then scramble down into the nearest sewer
As soon as you go astral to cast your spell, you get hit with a mana-bolt. <8S> roll resistance. aparently the astrally active individuals in the choppers that you saw earlyer were delaying action to prevent magical attacks to their craft.
11 4 4 4 3 3 5
Well, one sucess is better than none. You get blasted off of your feet, and blood pours from your eyes, ears, mouth, and nose as a concussion blast knocks you onto your back. you are lucky that the helocopter is right above you, because if it was anywhere else, you wouldn't still have LOS for it... however, you are extreamly disorented (the helocopter seems to be spinning arround at an increadable rate) but unless you accidentily fell into the middle of a carosell, you doubt that the world is actually spinning that quickly. between the spinning, the red haze of blood pouring into your eyes, and the edges of blackness coming into all sides of your field of vision you are having a very difficult time of concentrating. (could be something to do with that +3 from a serious wound) but, it's still your turn, and you still (barley) have LOS to the helocopter, so you can still cast a spell if you are feeling lucky and / or self destructive...