"MFI is the guy up on the vidscreen. Mister Fix It. He's the fixer who put me in touch with you."
*I'll pass the file to Takashi*
"Honestly, Omae, I don't know you from Adam, but the information is there- basic stuff, like your picture, where you work, your dojo membership, your car registration. We were trying to track you down because you're out here on your own, but your life inside Metsuhama gives you the unique opportunity to take something from the company as you leave- information that is VERY valuable to other people."
*I'll sit down, and try to get Takashi sitting too- people have a hard time panicking when they can't pace*
"We both have an opportunity to make a large payday for ourselves- but it's really up to you. If you're willing to use what you know to get yourself a little nest egg, that's cool. If not, no hard feelings."
*I'll let him look over the file, and I'll grab something to drink*
Okay, you go to your fridge, and grab a beer. returning to see him looking over the recent credit-card usage list you picked up from your decker contact.