takes a number and waits
While waiting in the lobby there's a loud crash from outside. bursting through the doors is a group of six individuals, two of them being carried under each arm of a 9' tall troll with chrome horns. the other three, clad in badly torn black leather are brandshing heavily modified UZI III SMG's. the lead individual, a man dressed like a ninja, shouts for attention.
"LISTEN UP! we need all of the medical equipment from the pharmacy! I don't care about your personal credsticks, but the first person to move dies."<New Init><Pass 8> Your Turn.
I say I have healing skills I may be able to treat your wounded
unless chummer you wish for them to join the dark father in his kingdom
"No. stay where you are. you move, you die. we will treat them ourselves, we just need the meds." With that he points his gun at you, makeing sure you play it cool.
(ooc can I detirmine how bad shape the two being carried are from loking)
Seeing as how you are something of a Medic, you would say that one is at Serious + Change, and one is at Deadly, and going into overflow, but stable. they bouth have serious burns all over their bodies. it looks like they could have been through a really big microwave.
if you dont mind my asking what did you run into chummers
not that its any of my buniness but i would rather not run into what ever you tangled with