I'll drag myself to wherever there is water, and then drink all of it.
*holding head*
"Yeah, I'm in, let me find some pants... and some asprin. Where do you want me to meet you?"
You find the sink faucet, and stick your head under the faucet and start drinking that, makeing a mess on the floor, and tasteing something nasty and metallic as you wrap your lips arround the airator.
"HAHAHA You alwies were a kidder! that's why i keep useing you! well, that, and the fact that you come cheap! but not as cheap as that red bra! HAHAHA I'm just kidding! Seriously though, you want some asprin? i just picked up a whole drugstore! oh wait,... that was from you... oh, and i already sold it. *shrug* how about this, the guy that i sold the drugs to runs a shop, go visit him, and he'll give you some asprin, and a name of someone to help us out on this one. we could probibly use a good healer, or well, at least someone who knows their way arround a medkit. am i talking too loud? does it seem like the volume is broken... is it too soft? i could turn it up? no? okay. anyways, get some support there, and then meet me here at Gravity-Plex-9000, they give you thease cool boots that let you walk on walls! i'll be at upside down table # 4. " With that a fax comes through giveing directions and an address of a street doc near redmons.