Ohhh... i have my own special way of dealing with rule-nazies.
"It clearly states on page 453 of the optimal munchkin compendium, volume 14 (that can be found in this copy of a dragon magazene) that my guy is entitled to ..."
"are you the GM?"
"no, but i want to let you know that"
"so, you aren't running this game?"
"but the rules state that.."
"do you see a Fasa or wizzards of the cost, or a WizKids logo anywhere on my shirt?"
"uh... no, but with this gun..."
"listen. honest, i'm not trying to screw you out of anything here, but i'm the GM. when you are the GM, you can screw over my guys, min max everone else, and bluff dice rolls all you want, but for right now, right here, we are trying to PLAY, and by Play, i mean, not read a book. for the sake of fluid forward motion PLEASE just roll the dice i give you. if i make a call, just go with it. you can argue, that's okay, we are all friends here (for now) but when it comes down to a decision, i don't care if you all vote me off the island. next time, don't have me GM if you don't like it. but for right now, this very moment, we are refering to house rule number 1. it's always there. when you are the GM, it's there, when Kid Vid is the GM, it's there, when EvilDave is the GM, it's there. and rule number one clearly states, 'That the GM is always right.' the GM can change his mind if presented a valad argument from the players, and he feels like it. however, the GM is always right. so, please, just listen to me, and roll the dice."
"er... okay."
-RuskiFace the Pirate