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Author Topic: The Peanut Gallery  (Read 67053 times)


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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #300 on: January 30, 2005, 12:46:30 AM »

HAHAHAHAHAHA... that's not the face for "thanks"!

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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #301 on: January 30, 2005, 01:29:27 AM »

Yes... I would be wary Ruski. When the entire group gives you that silent treatment, it means they're about to rise up as one and SLAY you.
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #302 on: January 31, 2005, 09:26:11 AM »

Yes... i'm sure that God is in constant fear of the people of earth killing him....

oh wait.

where did i put that metor shower....

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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #303 on: January 31, 2005, 03:25:41 PM »

poor puppy being thrown threw the glass
dicnary we dont need no stinking dictanary


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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #304 on: January 31, 2005, 03:48:17 PM »

it's okay. god can save him.
-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #305 on: January 31, 2005, 08:14:22 PM »

Yes... i'm sure that God is in constant fear of the people of earth killing him....

Depends if you believe what Nietzsche said or not...

A GM with a god complex? I've been there myself... it takes a group of about three rules lawyers before you're BEGGING the heavens to be on the other side of that screen.
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #306 on: January 31, 2005, 09:19:20 PM »

Ohhh... i have my own special way of dealing with rule-nazies.

"It clearly states on page 453 of the optimal munchkin compendium, volume 14 (that can be found in this copy of a dragon magazene) that my guy is entitled to ..."
"are you the GM?"
"no, but i want to let you know that"
"so, you aren't running this game?"
"but the rules state that.."
"do you see a Fasa or wizzards of the cost, or a WizKids logo anywhere on my shirt?"
"uh... no, but with this gun..."
"listen. honest, i'm not trying to screw you out of anything here, but i'm the GM. when you are the GM, you can screw over my guys, min max everone else, and bluff dice rolls all you want, but for right now, right here, we are trying to PLAY, and by Play, i mean, not read a book. for the sake of fluid forward motion PLEASE just roll the dice i give you. if i make a call, just go with it. you can argue, that's okay, we are all friends here (for now) but when it comes down to a decision, i don't care if you all vote me off the island. next time, don't have me GM if you don't like it. but for right now, this very moment, we are refering to house rule number 1. it's always there. when you are the GM, it's there, when Kid Vid is the GM, it's there, when EvilDave is the GM, it's there. and rule number one clearly states, 'That the GM is always right.' the GM can change his mind if presented a valad argument from the players, and he feels like it. however, the GM is always right. so, please, just listen to me, and roll the dice."
"er... okay."

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #307 on: January 31, 2005, 09:43:46 PM »

I certainly do not agree or subscribe to that theory that the GM is 'always right'. He or she is there to act as a referee in many respects, and how many times have you watched a sporting event where the ref/umpire made an idiotic call? If there are house rules, or rules you're going to ignore whilst running YOUR game, then you should clarify all that with your players beforehand. There should be no need for 'revenge' when it's the PC's turn to run the game...

I'm not trying to start an arguement, just giving you my point of view on GMing.
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #308 on: January 31, 2005, 11:16:31 PM »

Well, I do agree with the "Golden Rule".

Mind you, the GM has to strive for fairness and self-consistancy, but the Golden Rule always hold.
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #309 on: February 01, 2005, 02:51:37 AM »

There's a lot of reasons that we use that as House Rule #1. Mostly because we did have rules lawyers pass through our groups on more than one occaison, and that's how it works.

For fluidity of play, we usually come up with a temp solution, and then research and find something more permanant before we play the next time.

Of couse, when it comes to Munchkin characters, we usually just err on the side of what's satifsying.

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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #310 on: February 01, 2005, 07:18:39 AM »

the qoute rule books are onle ment to be a guide to playing the game the GM/DM/storyteller can always over rule the book
dicnary we dont need no stinking dictanary


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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #311 on: February 01, 2005, 08:43:10 AM »

i think that the number one goal of the game is for everyone to have fun. where the rules start takeing away from the fun, as the GM it's a standing house rule to be able to override it.

like if i'm the GM, and we have an UBER decker, with every trick in the book designed into his deck, about to embark on a datarun (see the section on mini-mid-run-runs) and i have a couple of other players that are the 'impaitent' type, i may cut the mini-run down quite a bit. i'll give the player a chance to be usefull some extra times in the run, but the solo action i'll almost compleatly cut out. it's not because i'm aghinst the individual rules for IC combat, i play a decker myself, and love that aspect of the game, but for the sake of fun, i ocasionally find it necessary to make the mini-mid-run-run come down to one computer (decking) skill roll VS. the system. i try to be honest and ballance everything out, but if it's going to kill the fun for everyone else, i'm going to eliminate it for group participation. now before i get a ton of hatemail about how i would be ruining the fun for that one player, expecially if it's a PC who's entire skillset is based in the matrix, i'll give him other chances to shine, i've even gone as far as makeing time after the game to let them do the legwork or whatever ahead of time go in, and install a back door, or whatever, in the normal play by play style. then he can just be cockey for the rest of the players bragging about how his part is compleated ahead of schedule... i try to balance it out, and i don't get many complaints on the style. i've found though (from 20 years gameing experience) that if the game degrades into a lookup the rule contest, you might as well stop playing, because no one is going to enjoy the run.
-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #312 on: February 01, 2005, 03:23:50 PM »

if the game degrades into a lookup the rule contest, you might as well stop playing, because no one is going to enjoy the run.

Totally agree.

From my experience, I've had a couple of GM's who seem to go on some sort of ridiculous 'power trip' and attempt to boss and push players around, which is absolutely zero fun and leads to the group ultimately abandoning said GM. Yes, the GM is there to run the game, but he/she doesn't CONTROL the game if you understand my meaning. All of you are playing the game, and you're playing for fun!

I've GMed WAAAAAY more than I've participated as a player, so these are just my theories on the 'art' of gamemastering if you like...
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #313 on: February 01, 2005, 04:07:24 PM »

well, in our groups it moves arround a lot who GM's. i do it a fair ammount, kid does a little, another brother of mine does a little, and we've had a couple of 'guest star GM's' who are normally players try their hand at it. and with the musical chair GM'ing all the time, that rule works for the best.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:The Peanut Gallery
« Reply #314 on: February 02, 2005, 04:41:41 AM »

Ohhh... i have my own special way of dealing with rule-nazies.

"listen. honest, i'm not trying to screw you out of anything here, but i'm the GM. when you are the GM, you can screw over my guys, min max everone else, and bluff dice rolls all you want, but for right now, right here, we are trying to PLAY, and by Play, i mean, not read a book. for the sake of fluid forward motion PLEASE just roll the dice i give you. if i make a call, just go with it. you can argue, that's okay, we are all friends here (for now) but when it comes down to a decision, i don't care if you all vote me off the island. next time, don't have me GM if you don't like it. but for right now, this very moment, we are refering to house rule number 1. it's always there. when you are the GM, it's there, when Kid Vid is the GM, it's there, when EvilDave is the GM, it's there. and rule number one clearly states, 'That the GM is always right.' the GM can change his mind if presented a valad argument from the players, and he feels like it. however, the GM is always right. so, please, just listen to me, and roll the dice."
"er... okay."

-RuskiFace the Pirate

Heh, otherwise known as the "Shut the frag up" speech
~:poison: ~
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