well, they could have hidden and taken over one of the helos when it landed, bounded rooftop to rooftop like some toon from 'city of heros', waited untill some of the ground troops landed, and then jumped them, taken their armor and walked out. created a diversion (the astrally active fuel in the tank of one of the race cars would have done some amazing stuff if they set it on fire) and would have had the added benefit of blinding the mages in the choppers. they could have used their stealth skills to try to stay out of sight and sneak away. they could have created some sort of armor shield and ran with that untill they found some cover or a place where they could loose them.
pretty much, the only solutions that wouldn't work were the plainly straightforward ones.
"Stand my ground and FIGHT!"
"Run like a lemming with the rest of the crowd"
thoes were the two responces that the assault team was well prepaird for.
-RuskiFace the Pirate