Hey, Captain. Hope you're on your feet again.
Glad you had someone in to talk with, Root, while I dealt with some rather horrible issues in the topside world. Felt bad when I realized how long I'd been a no show here.
The pub remains in a persistent vegetative state, but we keep bringing in the hummus to coax it along, don't we?
If it makes you feel any better, when one of our guys brought his weird gf in to a game for us to teach her the ropes. The rules guys gave her the quickie rundown of basics and she insisted that she wanted to play a squirrel character. No, that is not a typo. She wanted to play a squirrel. Granted, that's a hell of a thing to have one of those run up your opponent's leg during a big fight, but really, how many times can you count on that working before you get messy road kill?