... shadowrun story. Been brewing in head for a while. If you guys got a game can give it a go in, let me knowhow it goes.
Characters are hired to bust into game hardware developers section of megacorp. Their top guy is putting out new simsense rig, suppose to be as intense as btl but without addiction or health hazards, can play the games and actually feels like it.
Developer has tons of enemies, shitty business practices, rips off investors, companies ect. One of them hires you. The job?
Sneak into companys building, grab chip schematics, replace with new faked ones.
Find prototype dude is getting installed in a week, swap it for faked one johnson provided.
Find random prize list, replace names with several they provide, these people will receive new tampered implant.
Do not get caught tampering with implant or schematics, make it look like after something else.
Second stage of run for bonus. Company provides accounts for dudes fave game he created, has running bounty/challenge on himself, takenhim out in game, win cash prize and in game gear. The point? New chip operates EXACTLY like btl rig, and new chip can overheat Bad. Net assassination. Dudes gone (nobody is really sad cause he is peter molyneux, ea, bethseda, and fallout 76 levels of cunty) his company gets hammered as rush to get chips out of the prize winners, major lawsuits, charges on creating btl rigs. Ect. Pcs get nice payday, and extra payoff by selling in game they got for takingnout dude in game