Sorry to hear bout your dad Apoc, always a sad thing when the grand old dragons pass, may he rest well.
And im surviving, pushing through and keeping on. though as its halloween, and work is slow in fixing payroll issues.. No treat (in the form of a paycheck) So playing a trick by calling in. ... Well, mostly im calling in cause seem to have caught a stomach bug thats got me just enough i cant make it to work... but still. they dont get it together soon gonna go to L&I and have them rip it out their pocket :T
issue is company i signed onto was like a week out from getting absorbed by a bigger company, that was also absorbing in another company. Both absorbees had their own 3rd party payroll stuff, that nobody really talked to, and thats janked everything up evidently..
hopefully will get their thumbs out their asses and fix it soon.
Hope the rest of you all are having a spook-tacular halloween! take care, keep safe, and if you get any of that candy with the drugs in it... Save it for a later date cause that stuffs expensive!