Okay, here's one:
Shi New the Tiger Shapeshifter Adept and his "buddy" Dros the Incredibly Vindictive Mage decide to strongarm a group of Smuggler's dropping of a load of Magical Reagents at their spot under the Mercer Bridge (Towards Council Island) Dros pretends to be a retarded bum while the boat moors at the beach under the bridge. Dros then summons a Water Elemental and proceeds to have it engulf the passengers. All of the smugglers drown horribly. The Runners proceed to loot the boat. I trapped most of the boxes and Dros already figured I would, so he has Shi New do the "disarming." Like the smart kitty he is, he gets stuck with some poisoned razor blades, a cyanide dart, and some monowire (he lives through all of it.) During the search they find several kilos of unrefined quartz, refined rubies and emeralds and some virgin balsa wood. Dros slips some of the rubies into his pockets
Above, the guards at the checkpoint start on the megaphone. Dros leaves all the stuff behind and bolts. Shi New, the very smart kitty, decides that he wants to keep the boat and rears it in reverse and barrels away across the lake. The guards open fire, dealing deadly damage several times. Shi New, having NO BOAT SKILL keeps going. He moors at a nearby dock. A dock worker, working the nightshift asks him what the frag he's doing.
Shi New replies, "Nothing." The worker, obviously not convinced, gets ready to yell. Then kitty speaks up and says, "Here! You can have this boat, just let me get this stuff off of it." The worker agrees, not aware of the 3 drowned bodies in the cabin below. Shi New offloads only the Talismans and then high-tails it way, carrying a large crate of quartz and balsa wood. He then gets a cab and heads off to offload the goods.
Later, using Dros' Talismonger contact, Shi New sells the goods, but then Dros sneaks the contact to the side and agrees to sell his rubies at an inflated price and for him to buy the rest of the stuff at a dramatically lower price. Shi New ends up with like 5000 nuyen and Dros gets like 20000.
Total Value of a GMC Riverine with Assault Cannon plus all the cyberware and gear that the Smugglers had?
Around 250,000 nuyen, which now belongs to Lonestar and modified to be an anti-smuggling patrol boat.