Here's a new rare flower on the some of the volcanic hotspots on Mt. Rainier. Apparently a SURGED variety of the flower Navarretia leucocephala known as the Least Navarretia, the new form Navarretia leucocephala novo is the awakened variety known as the the Inferno Navarettia. Inferno Navarettia have developed an almost kind of dependance on the fiery lavaflows in some of the most hostile calderas in most of the Western half of North America. These plants have developed a natural immunity to the effects of fire and don't appear to require water at all to survive, a phenomenon that baffles botanists the world around. As one might actually notice, exposure to large amounts of water causes these flowers to wither and die. It's also been noticed that when an Inferno Navarretia dies from other causes it becomes immediately flammable.
Here's the trick I've discovered from this. The Inferno Navarretia is combustible when it dies but it only requires raw mana and heat in order to sustain itself (some connection to the background count produced by the lavafields I've yet to discover) However, when the plant is culled it may be preserved and the use of Metamagic Endoetherealism to have the plant retain it's essence. When ground and then smoked, the flower actually provides the user with the Critter Power Immunity to Fire and Heat.
The Endoetherealism technique is essentially the same that the Anasazi have been using for ages and has recently been discovered by Pueblo parapsychologists. Essentially, Endoetherealism or EndoEther, preserves the essence by implying creative force to sustain the objects natural aura or essence. However, EndoEther does not last long, and substances created in this manner lose their effect quickly. This technique is also known to be a strong resemblance to the metamagics used in creating a Cyberzombie, but it's effects are less drastic. (and far less draining) The effect of which allows a person to uptake the particular attributes of an Awakened form into itself. EndoEth can also be used in more sinister ways involving rituals. For example, EndoEth can allow the consumption of Ghoul Eyes to cause temporary blindness and uncontrolled astral percetion (however, I wouldn't recommend eating ghoul flesh for risk of catching HMHVV) The effects of these Awakened compounds are dependant on the subject's harmony with nature. Meaning that heavily cybered individuals experience less of an effect. The use of Endoetherealism requires a preparation technique in order to contain the spirit. This skill can be anything creative, cooking, tea-making, chemistry (the actual extracted chemicals have no affect on the magical aura, which is temporarily stored in the chemicals extracted) or Alchemy.