I certainly hope so. The great part about SR is that it always seems to make sense. The tech is advanced, but it's not stupid like Star Trek. Making a bunhc of hypertech drek would really kill the feel.
Don't get me wrong. There is one thing that is totally impossible to reconcile in the way in which they are portrayed in SR4. That's Technomancers! Technomancers are the remains of the former Otaku, and other people now able to (non magically) manipulate (and transmit up to 400m???!!!

) data without cyber, solely with their brains. I could accept that, if the explanation was that they were, in some way, awakened. But no! They are not supposed to be awakened, yet they are given a Resonance Attribute in place of Magic (which, coincidently, is affected by Essence just like Magic). Add to that the fact that Technomancers are specifically prohibited from being any (other) form of magician or adept.
I wish they'd just come out and say "Technomancers are Matrix Adepts", and be done with it.