My question is this ...
What follows consists of more than one question!

what was the time lapse between full matrix shutdown and the time when the matrix was restored?
I don't know. I haven't fully read up on that in either SR4 or System Failure yet. I do know that the WMI (Matrix 2.0) was up and running in various locations around the world before the crash. The implimentation of the new system was funded by a merger between a cashed-up Novotech, Erika (Ericson/Nokia AA), and Transys Neuronet (the biggest AA), alnong with some help from Pueblo and, obviously, the Corp Court. Incidently, NeoNET (the AAA that resulted from the merger) is now the third biggest AAA, behind S-K and Aztechnology (in that order).
How many people were killed in the riots that woudl have taken place? How many people died in plane crashes and train wrecks? How many died in the nuclear strikes?
Again, I don't know ... yet! There was anarchy in various places around the world for a short time, and here may still be some spots that resist being brought under control. Not all of the nukes went off, but enough did. All in all, it wouldn't have been pretty.
Did Z-O fall out of orbit?
No. The backbone of the Matrix (the data and such) didn't crash. As far as I know, it was the hardware stuff like transponders that fried out. Nothing that would affect Z-O, or any secure location really.
Did all my porn get wiped out in my telecom???
Not unless you live(d) within range of one of the EMP strikes, although your ability to amass more has been severely curtailed for the time being.
Just think about how pervasive the matrix is in SR. It is in EVERYTHING. So when the system drops offline, even on a temporary basis, it literally effects the entire globe. I'm really curious about how this went down.
As I said, it probably wasn't pretty at all. You really should check out System Failure. It's only available on PDF for the moment, but (unfortunately) it, like the SR4 core book, has already show up on the P2p networks.