Ahem! I believe I had a hypothesis that Deus is actually the Mad Passion "Dis." The Mad Passion of Bureaucracy and Slavery. The nature of Deus' manipulations and mind-control experiments lead me to believe this. However, I have no solid proof in terms of canon.
Actually that brings up a good point. Deus was designed as a "sociology" program. It was used to chart, interpret, and predict social factors within a given group, in this case the archology. When it went AI and freaked out, it just carried on with it's original programming guidelines of charting, interpreting, and predicting social interactions as dictated by situations it created. It used all of its programming to manipulate EVERYONE into doing jsut what it wanted them to do, thus living up to its original intent in action, if not in motive.
Now that train of thought got me thinking about the Keymaster (or whatever the frag he was called) in the Matrix 2 movie, notably the scene in whcih he and Trinity are on top of the car-carrier rig and he gives her the "key" to start the motorcycle with. Now, if he was originally a decryption prgoram, it would explain how his AI eveolved along the lines of "keymaster." The acrhitect was a system design utility, and the Oracle was an Analyze utility. So how would other programs react if the "X-Factor" that the rulebooks talk about occured?
As far as I know, there have only ever been 3 confirmed AI's: Deus, Megara, and the old Echo-Mirage AI whose name escapes me. Deus was a social program, the Echo-Mirage AI was a medic program, and Megara was just plain fragged up. What would a combat program or a piece of Black IC turn into with sufficient programming power and X-Factor? What kind of persovnality would emerge???