The water was cold, but it wasn't cold enough to stop the Big Surge. The salty ichor of Puget sound, in all of it's quasi-toxic sickness wouldn't stop him. The moon was full and the tide was washing in. The brilliant twinkling lights of ships at harbor flashed across the dwarf's blue eyes. The water at Lynnwood wasn't as fierce as the Surf he had experience with in California, but he had to get the rush he wanted. The sea glittered like gemstones below a tattered blanket of polluted clouds. The silhouette of the full moon on the sky reflected in the neon clouds, drowned still by the corona of luminescence cast by the sprawl's insomnia. Paddling fiercely the Big Surge reachead the peak of a short wave and with a snap of quickness he leapt atop his surf board.
As he descended from the short-lived wave, he called out to the bay, "Spirits of the Sea Between Lakes, I ask of you to show me the righteousness of your truly awesome selves!"
With that, the wave rose and swelled potently, catapulting himself. The wind availed around him as the briny water surged forward. He shifted himself from side to side, fighting the gusts for balance. He had dealt with harder waters but this water felt unique and different than the same polluted water he'd known on the beaches in the Big Sur. The water rolled for what seemed hours, driving the Big Surge to the beach, where he dismounted gracefully.
He waved, parting with the Ocean, "Thanks for the totally awesome time, dude... uh... dudette... uh... buddy!"
The sea had waved back casually as the tide finally let up, parting in its own friendly way to the strangely kind surfer. The dwarf picked up his board, noting that it now needed a good cleaning and a wax job. He shook his head fiercely, letting the motion wring his Beach-bleach blonde hair dry. Barely, feeling the coarse on the beach underneath his swimming shoes he started walking. He had hailed a cab at the call button down at the corner of the street just atop the boardwalk from the disparaged beach.
Hopping in the cab, the cheap vinyl seats squeaked, rubbing against his wet-suit. The driver a grizzled ork speaking in a thick Russian accent remarked, "How you manage to swim out in that water, an'way?"
To wit, the Dwarf replied, "I don't know, I guess it doesn't bother me, now I need a ride to... uh... Tacoma... Yeah, like that's it?"
"Dah, to Tac'oma it is," the Ork asserted, "Where, in specific?"
"Like, just to the West Lakewood Park, dude."
"What 'daht?"
"Like, what's what?"
"This "dood", you speak of, what eas it?"
"That's you, dude."
"I am not, 'dood' I am Kiryl"
"Whatever, dude, err... Kiryl just like drive."
The cab sped off, into the splendor of the Emerald city. The Big Surge stared at the traffic and the lights and the garish neon as they blew by. The nightlife had come out into full bloom and then wilted as the cab sped through Downtown Seattle. Just then, the dwarf's stomach rumbled...
"Dah! Mi Salty Friend! Was that your stomach... how du you say? trembel? trubmle? to make noise? if you want some food, I will stop at de food place... I is needing some food myself if you be pleased. "
He turns arround to grin at you through the dirty security hole window to the passinger comparment displaying a number of metal teeth.
"I am thinking this will be; uh... how do you say? 'No Charge' for stop. "
He laughs, and turning arround to face the street again he grunts in what can only be a happy tone as he pulls into the parking lot of a stuffer shack.