Okay, The spirit is going to attack the group of orcs you already sic-ed it on...
Still sustaining the confusion, it'll go to the next level of action commands... attacking the already wounded prince...
<Attack... 1 sucess>
Using a poltergiest like ability to fling objects arround the room, the nearby microwave becomes a nice radioactive projectile, It hits into the head of the lead orc before reaching the end of it's extension cord, sending sparks and little bouts of flame like a cheap fireworks display.
(you can just see the new line of warning lables for the
microwave people... 'do not operate if you have a heart condition, pace maker, or if a spirit may drop this on your heavily chromed head... this would represent a health hazard!'
That seems to take the last of the fight out of the lead orc... the dented missle launcher bazooka thing rolls away from his limp fingers...