Yeah, I figured it was the Orks' turn somewhere. Is the ork that I cast "Control Emotion: Fear" on gone? If so, then I drop that spell with my free action and cast lightning bolt on another Ork. Force 4 Moderate Damage
Sorcery 5 + Spell Pool 5 + 2 for Manipulation bonus
Roll: 11 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 01 01 01 01
Drain vs Serious 7 Dice (Do I get the bonus twice? Not sure.) Target is 3
10 08 05 05 03 03 01 #D:7 TN:3 HR:10 S:6
Casting his mind backward, The Big Surge thinks of a torrential storm... He breathes deep and his face becomes a feral vision of Gecko. Lightning flashes in his mind's eye as he focuses on one of the orks.
The unplugged micorwave, the cash register, and all of the overhead lighting explodes in an electrical firestorm, all coming to rest upon a single unfortinute orc... you could swear that you saw his bones light up like a cartoon as he was repeatidly struck by bolt after bolt of electrical current.
His burned and blackened corpse falls to the ground with a crunch that only flesh reduced to basic carbon can make. the only illumination remaining is the high beams and headlights from the motorvehicles outside. All internal lights, every neon sign, is blown out.