LOL, well, i have a killer migrane right now, and not much time to deal with it.
here's the short version:
My boss, took it upon himself to be incharge of the backup system i set up. (a rotation of removeable hard drives that are remotely mirrored off of the server, getting the entirety of the database, and working data we use on a daily basis), and with this newfound responcability, he thought that a year of 'pointless' backups would allow him some leaway in when he took care of it.
Then, he disregarded the safty operating procedures on the database index rebuild, and decided that he didn't need to have everyone out of the databse when he re-indexed it.
so, he crashed the entire database, corrupting it from the groud up, and neglected to back it up more recent than 10 days ago. so, i was here untill 11PM a couple nights in a row putting the network back together, and automating part of the security system (i'm getting raid 1 hot swapable drive controllers for the server next week) and setting it up so we could pull all of the hardcopy paperwork and re-enter 10 days worth of data. (we are eight days caught up to two days ago at this point)
buisy buisy buisy.
hopefully in a week or so my job will go back to it's normal goofing off normality.
-RuskiFace the Pirate