Everyone wants to pay you with product.
That's normally one of the things I'll walk away from in a run. I don't want to have to bother trying to move half of some super new and great salty-stuffer, I don't want the hassle of finding a buyer for some new cyberware, and I certanly don't want to carry arround a box of mojo fetish magical whatever. If you take a run because it pays you in ammo... I bet you burn through more than you pick up. plus, the numbers are deceving.
$400,000 worth of product, quickly becomes $200,000 street value, minus the 50% to move it quick, before you have to pay for another week at your local storage rental place. making it $100,000. then, when you calculate in the bribes you had to place to let the storage rental place let you store explosives without asking too many questions, buying new contacts so you could dump the stuff, hiring a decker to cover the datatrail so you don't have to worry about it coming back to bite you later, and the actual cost of preforming the run; your $100,000 turns into $50,000 ... split five ways.
so, people see that $400K tag, and think: "Wow! I'm going to be rich!" when they get the $10K at the end of the day... it's less impressive.
-RuskiFace the Pirate