In 'discuss political stuff in loud tones' do you mean 'rant about stuff in all caps regardless of whether he was making a valid point or offending 90% of the population'?
More so than the all caps mode.
Part of my problem was that a) some of his points were valid enough in themselves, but his presentations were ... overly aggresive, and he would not let go, ever worse than Retread and his Earthdawn crossover (

). b) he appearantly mindlesslyu ragged on anyone and anything he had eve the slightest disagreement with, yet he seemed unable to recieve critisism. c) rather a lot of what he said had no relevance what-so-ever, for shadowrun. When I enter this place, my mind writes '2067' in the 'year-bit', and so discussing 2005 politics become... a historical debate.
Sorry, now
I'm ranting about irrelevancies.