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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #45 on: January 11, 2006, 09:14:35 AM »

I once knew a guy who filled his with Seven-7.

Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2006, 10:00:11 AM »

Yeah, that's not really a repeat offense, to fill your own air tank with deadly toxic gasses and weapons. Usually the first time is also the last time, then it's DIRTNAP TIME!

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #47 on: January 11, 2006, 10:36:37 AM »

Whatever happened to filling an air tank with AIR???? Has anyone ever read Wolf and Raven? That extra air can come in really handy. Just ask Kid Stealth.

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #48 on: January 11, 2006, 11:52:04 AM »

See, the thing I'm thinking about though is this... most wounds are taken by bullets, so let's assume it's a shot that hit the tank.

Bullet goes INTO the person... making a hole all the way through to the air tank... that hole would line up... more or less, with the bullet hole...

so, unless the tank actually EXPLODED, wouldn't all the air just leak out the hole already made by the bullet? so the bullet would go in, and a stream of compressed air would go out? now, I'm not saying that would be super comfortable, but opposed to blowing your lungs out of your mouth, and your liver out your ass, isn't that more probible? the path of least resistance?

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #49 on: January 11, 2006, 12:19:16 PM »

Isn't the body basically layers of tissue, so when you move different layers move in different ways?

For example, the outer layer is obviously skin.  Skin can stretch, but generally stays in the same spot.  The second layer is muscle, muscles can flex, stretch and contract.  The muscle around your chest area for example will stretch a lot if you twist your torso to the farthest possible.  Under that is your skeleton, which moves as you move, but isn't flexible at all (or at least much).  Under that you have your organs, which are almost always moving but always in the same place (your lungs expand and contract, your heart beats, your stomach will expand or contract depending on what you ate or lack thereof.

Basically I think there's far too many things going on for a bullet hole to stay where it is perfectly.  Granted whatever happens it's going to be pretty close but it's never going to be a perfect tunnel to the cyber air tank.

Though, the air in the tank is pressurized, so theoretically if punctured the pressure would force whatever gas inside the tank (be it oxygen or something not so nice) out through the path of least resistance as Ruski said.  I don't think it would come spraying out of the hole but more along the lines of a large amount leaking out.

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #50 on: January 11, 2006, 12:49:50 PM »

Even if it was close, i think the air would go out the hole. if you twist arround so that the hole is kinda 'pinched' off, the amount of pressure on the path of the hole would probibly be less than the path of resistance out through anywhere else.

also, if you twist arround; so that the air builds up inside your ribcage, wouldn't that amount of time be enough for the dump-valve to start working it's magic, releaving preaaure inside the tank, and the newly formed holding cell aka, your ribcage? sure, it would be hard to breate for a bit while your lungs were crushed from the inside, but I don't see it breaching out anywhere explosion style.

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #51 on: January 11, 2006, 01:47:11 PM »

I'd have to agree with Ruski's first idea- the air would blow out the exit wound (or entry wound, assuming the bullet didn't penetrate the tank entirely), and you wouldn't have to deal with anything more than an air-hose blowing your blood and coming out of the wound at 500psi.

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #52 on: January 11, 2006, 03:12:53 PM »

still would be massive blood loss from the air flow. the natural coagulants don't work when traveling at 200 feet pr second. and there could be surrounding tissue dammage from any number of things...
you could have chips of bone or metal tear their way back out the hole (the bullet could go in, and get pushed back out) increasing the size of the hole, there could be tissue laserations from the stress of being 'blown by' at that speed (allong a point that has already 'ripped' from the bullet entry wound) and there is a possibliity of other tissue dammage from air being forced between the diffrent layers and buffeting some of the diffrent orgins it came in contact with.
all and all it could create a 'serious' wound, even with just an exit vent of air.

really though; is that what cyberwear falure is about?
if someone has a cyber-limb, do we make it explode if it get's a cyberwear failure? if someone has cyberwear failure in a cyber eye, do we do anything to them other than blind them?
personally; i think a more 'fair' solution would be to just shut down the air-tank. you can add flavor text of it shooting a stream of air out of their ribcage if you want to, but it's not really an un-ballancing peace of tech, if you wanted to really be mean, you could 'lock it down' so that it compleatly shut down, and the one lung it was set to pump into is shut down as well; so they are down to one lung.
you could say that the bullet pinched the air return valve, so it dosn't work any more, or it busted off the pressure regulator, so it can't activate / deactivate.
giving something so deadly for such a low peace of tech as an additional S wound (on top of whatever S wound it took to take the dammage in the first place) seems, to me, to be over-kill.
I'd rather give cancer to the guy who's destroying game ballance for his move-by-wire level 4 system. where's the chance of that getting hit and his brain exploding?

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2006, 05:12:34 PM »

I see what your saying, but when a cyber arm gets hit it doent explode or such because it doesnt have a bunch of gas under pressure, cyber eye dont explode enless it has something to make it go boom in it.

in comparison an eye and arm are lot less to ad in then having to have your ribs cracked open and a chunk of your lung switched out. Your putting a small compressed canister of air right in a place that nature surrounded by chunks of bone for the purpose of protecting. Im not saying it should blow at the slightest knick, i know that you dont build those things out of paper mache, but some the guns people pack today are used to take down Large angry trolls with natural dermal plating in addition to what ever cyber parts they bought. Not to mention armor.

There isnt really a "balance" when you cut out a chunk of yourself and shove in nice shiny metal peice in its place. Hence essence loss. Its just like a cranial bomb, they use radio waves or specific words to set them off, but doing that also means that someone could say said word without even knowing what its gonna do and random radio waves could set them off. and as for unbalancing when playing its a risk your taking. if you wanted to go with no armor thats your choice, if you want to run around with a bandoleer of grenades, they snag. its called taking a risk.

And im gonna cut it now caus eim pretty sure i've gone totally into the domain of wild Tangent.
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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2006, 07:42:29 PM »

Well, it's still good information. Discussions like this are a lot more on topic than a lot of other threads.

but if it's done, it's done.

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #55 on: January 11, 2006, 10:38:51 PM »

I simply ment wild tangent on my last post... kinda picked up that habit from Job Corp.. Had one guy who wanted to braid Nylon Sinew to make a rope to climb with, guy who owned it kinda went... Angry and loud and screamed t top of his lungs about how thats a stupid idea, and ended up on the topic of that guy being the reason they put "Caution, Hot" on coffee cups.
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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2006, 06:55:52 AM »

You know, about the "path of least resistance" thing, you have to realize that a bullet rarely travels straight through a body. This is especially true of smaller caliber rounds. When a bullet enters the body, it encounters all manner of different densities which alter its path of travel. The bullet can "bounce" around inside of a person and create all kinds of havoc. Now, the larger the caliber and the faster the round, the less the bullet is likely to bounce, but you will almost always have a bit of deflection. Now when you talk about the rib cage, armor, and the tank itself, you have to think that there will be no straight line path for the escaping gas to pass out of. So the gas will force its way out through the general path of the bullet, but in doing so will distort the path greatly because of the gas' pressurized state. It would be like putting a piece of cooked noodle, surrounded by Jell-O, and coated in a few layers limp lettuce onto the end of a balloon-blowing-up helium tank and watching it freak out and wiggle when you pressurize it. Since the piece of tech in question is pressurize, you get the really nasty failure, not because it has failed, but because of the WAY it has to fail. And pressure valves will only dump product when the pressure gets too high, not when it starts to rapidly dump. OF course, I'm sure you could design one for that purpose, but it's not going to help when the gas is escaping through a hole that the valve doesn't regulate.

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2006, 10:01:47 AM »

There!! *points to the last post* THats kinda what i was trying to say earlier, Frak.. i thought i had a point but just lost it.. not quite what i was trying to say but general idea.
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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #58 on: January 12, 2006, 11:26:19 AM »

okay, you have a point; but here's what I'm saying:

you carry gernades... where are the game mechanics for getting shot while carrying gernades; and having them go off? that'd be more likely than rupturing your air tank, and a PC with gernades is more un-ballancing to the game than a PC with an air-tank...

and; as for the bullet bouncing arround inside of people, I know about that, but inorder to actually breach a tank (or wrack-up a S wound) it would probibly have to be a pretty high-calibur & hig-velocity type of round. most people with a streetline special have trouble doing much more than L dammage, and that's the type of round that's just going to richochet arround.
and the high calibur, high capacity type of round, would probibly make a pretty straight hole.

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Re:Ok.. lets see if i got it this time..
« Reply #59 on: January 12, 2006, 12:49:57 PM »

Same time a smaller tank like those are going to be easier to puncture then a full sized one because its not going to have as much metal arround it, you dont put as much chrome around a small tank as you do a big one other wise its just excess and adds unneeded weight.

and as for the unbalancing thing, Drek Happens.

If you want to put a small compressor in your chest, theres chance its going to get hit and go, if you strap a grenade to your chest theres a chance its going to get hit, or snag something and the pin get pulled (provided you've removed all the other safety locks)

Things arent always balanced. if someone wanted they could take a street line special and pratice so much with it they could pop a person easily with it because their skill is so high and they got so much cyber equiped or what ever. Things arent always balanced and this is one of those things. its a risk your taking by putting a chunk of metal containing about 20 minutes worth of breathable air, some knockout gas, napalm, or what ever else you want to stuff in into your chest when your fighting people who carry guns used to punch through armor and rib cages, and on occassion armored rib cages. Balance doesnt always come into play while playing. So what fragger A has a grenade, so what Fragger B has an air tank in his lungs. THey are both taking their own risks with this equipment. you cant buy something and expect it to always function perfectly and be undamaged in a fire fight.

And as for the tank simply dumping if hit, enless it has a port along the ribs or such it mostly likely is going to dump straight into the lungs and try to force its way out of the mouth or nose, which can be pretty messy and almost just as deadly enless you know to open your mouth, throat, and nose all at once as soon as the bullet hits just in case.
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