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Author Topic: Back to the Shack  (Read 18136 times)


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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2012, 09:46:15 PM »

Sylvester squinted through the slowly drifting dust created by the vaporisation of plascreet.
He had heard boosted reflexes described in a lot of different ways before his own introduction to the move-by-wire system.
The movies, naturally, got it all wrong. Slow motion? Yea right. More like you feel suddenly encased in jello pudding. The jumped up adrenaline levels making your small motor skills transform from their typical fine-precision levels into banging on rocks with a blunt instrument.
He heard it described best by an ex-navy-seal buddy of his. It’s like trying to play a piano with a sledge hammer. All the time in the world won’t make your actions any gentler.
The first razor boys and girls reflex-jobs attempt: was to try to do as many things as you can at once. Empty entire magazines in heartbeats, punch 10 different people in the face before the first person hits the floor, stuff like that.
Maybe their street doc’s were working out of old refrigerator boxes? Too busy to give them the run-down and let them come back for adjustment every week for six months like the delta clinic did for him?
Whatever the reason, what typically happens if you attempted to empty a 100-round drum in 3 seconds is the recoil typically makes sure the bullets numbered 3 through 100 don’t hit the same spot as each-other, let alone anything close to bullets 1 and 2.
And if you punch 10 guys all in a row, you are working so hard to get your hand to the next guy’s nose that you are pulling the punch before you’ve even connected with the guy in front of you. And… lightly slapping 10 guys has a totally different effect than knocking them all out like in the movies.
So: what most professionals recommended, right after recommending that you find a job that didn’t involve shooting at things that were trying to eat you, was instead of trying to do an impressive number of things in a totally ineffectual way, do one simple thing in a totally impressive way. The results are typically much better.
Like here.
Amped up reflexes, a dynamic situation with inbound hostiles, the gut reaction would be to fire off all of his four bolts all at the lead guy and think up something else once the body was hitting the floor, assuming that he got lucky enough to kill a raging Orc mid-rampage with a glorified-lucky-lawn-dart.
Or… he could use the extra perception time to think… maybe about useless history, but maybe about his current situation and to plan… plan and aim.
One good shot. No…


Focus on the Orc’s head. Resist the urge to send the fire command at the first opportunity.
Aim small. Don’t aim for his head. Aim for his eye. The iris of his blood-shot left eye. Aim small, miss small.
Line up the hard sights. Check the target. Wait for the blink. Check with the wired reflexes tied in with the smart-link.  Smart-link confirms the firing solution. Still wait for the perfect moment, Last aim activate the infra-red sight. Slightly to the right, move it into the iris. Another blink. The Orc turns slightly, finding the origin of the annoyance? Locking-on, he sees you. maybe? Is the iris widening in recognition of a threat? That’s as big as the target is going to get. If he's looking past me, the silencer will make the normally quiet crossbow vacuum silent; but due to the recent hearing loss suffered by everyone in the store, it was probably wasted effort.
Between heartbeats and holding his breath Sylvester sends the mental command to fire and keeps his hands as steady as if they were formed from marble.

Initiative Pass 1: Seek cover, assemble crossbow.
Initiative Pass 2: Simple action: Aim. Simple Action: Aim.
Initiative Pass 3: Simple action: Aim. Simple Action: Fire, called-shot to the head.   

Firearms: 4 Agility 7 +2 dice (Smartlink)  +1 Dice-pool (Personilized grip) +3 dice (Aim) = 17 dice
Vital-area called shot -4 dice pool (+4 weapon damage) 17-4=13
Crossbow Bolt: Damage 2P (+4 to: 6 physical)

13d6.hits(5) → [6,3,4,2,6,1,3,6,3,5,2,2,4] = (4)
Use edge to re-roll failures. (13-4=9)
9d6.hits(5) → [2,4,5,3,1,4,2,2,3] = (1)
Total successes: 5
Damage: 6 physical, plus whatever he can’t dodge.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 10:10:02 PM by Ruski »
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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2012, 01:24:36 AM »

The yelling ork reminding Kinsey of the days with his teacher.  Good ol' Doc, a retired runner turn street doc.  According to him the best in the shadowrun biz as a runner and doctor.  Of course he never admitted to being a good teacher.

"Get those hands down boy! <Sharp whack of a rod (or somebodies limb depending on the time of day.> Damn kid you want to get that arm blown off?  First thing security, the Star, or hell a ganger with half a brain in his head does when he sees your fancy arm flailing and no weapon is to put one in you.  And guess what nine times out of ten they going to hit the thing aimed at them.  No you got to keep your hands down.  This isn't like the trids or those sims you play.  Now put the damn hand down! <Pushing his arm down to his side near his body> See this is the important thing right here the aim.  Your hand knows better where it is pointed than you; let it.  Summon the formula in your head say the words in a whisper.  You know what yelling gets you? Yep same thing a quick bullet to the meat.  Now let fly!

"Yeah, you crazy ork bastard you forgot to mention when someone tries to blow your ears out."

The thought of escape still in his mind as he sees it.  The kid diagonal from him rabbits for the double doors.  The gangers couldn't ask for a better shot to the back if he wanted.

"You stupid punk at least wait til he was looking away."

The choice to let the kid get shot and make his own break for it or go out like an idiot goes through his mind.

"Well Doc always said I was pretty dumb....

Summoning the formula to his mind and keeping his free hand low.  Building the magic in that one point between the three gangers he sees.  And releasing it once he feels the pressure behind his eyes. 

"Damn this is going to fraggin hurt."

Observing: Free Action
Casting Spell: Complex Action
Spell Cast: Mana ball (Force 6) [overcast by two making damage Physical]
Spellcasting + Magic= 7 dice (2,6,6,2,2,5,4) 3 hits (number of targets hit 3)
Resist check: Willpower
Physical Damage to self: (Force / 2) +2 + 3 for hits = 8
Drain: Willpower + Logic = 7 dice  (1,2,5,1,2,6,4) 2 hits = 6 Physical
Rolling Edge for additional successes.
Edge = 2 (5,4) 1 Hit = 5 Physical
(8+Body/2 rounded up) = 6 -5 = 1 Physical box left.


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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2012, 08:34:34 AM »

It's funny how your mind starts to work in a dangerous situation,  it's almost as if your observing yourself, your body going through motions approved of by the rather detached entity that seems to be running your brain: Why, Yes, that was indeed a bomb blast, such things can be hazardous, it's best perhaps if you get behind the beverage counter for cover.  A weapon might come in handy in the near future...
She found herself belly down behind a counter peering down the main aisle with an Ares in her fist.  Not much to see, really, debris, another shopper, but there seemed to be movement, and if the movement was heading toward her with a weapon at unfriendly angles...Why yes, a self defense offensive at that point would be in keeping with self preservation...
As a general rule, don't solve puzzles that open portals to hell.


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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2012, 10:21:27 PM »

There's a moment there; when everyone is rolling for cover, and no one had fired a shot, when you think this might be different from all those stories you've heard about the Stuffer SHack, and the one time that a friend of a friend swears that a bunch of dumb gangers held it up, or ghouls attacked at 3am when they were doing a soycaf run.

But it's just a moment. The lead ganger, the ugly ork, is shouting something with spittle flying from his lips, highlighted by the headlamps behind him. There's a red dot on his eye, a look of confusion, and then he just sprouts an arrow.

His left eye, specifically, sparks as an arrow grows out of it. There's no 'twang' of a bowstring, no moment of sighting along the arrow, like in those Derrick Punisher elven action-flix.

Ugly falls like a marionette with its strings cut, not falling in a gentle way. The rough crack of his skull against the rubble reminds you in uncomfortable ways of a melon, and the force pushes the arrow out the back of his skull. There's no doubt in your mind- he's dead.

Quote from: GM Stuff
I have actions for Ingo and Bull, I need second round actions for Ruski and Zone
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2012, 09:41:31 AM »

Sylvester’s stomach drops to someplace under the heels of his boots as the screaming Orc hits the ground.
His own moral compass has been ground into dust a long time ago by the paranormal critter rights activist, his own friends and family getting betrayed and murdered, and his own need for survival.
Ghoul nests did the most damage. Once-Metahumans transformed into something worse.
Some people could get by pretending that it was “life or death” and that made it okay. “Him or me, and I choose me.” Was the most common excuse he heard.

But that argument gets a little thin when you have to go dig through a sewer and tear down barricades to get to the nest of nastiness in order to burn it out.

At some point where the effort to locate the trouble you find yourself in exceeds the amount of effort you spent in killing everything there so you “can get out alive” it becomes more of a job, an exercise in lying to yourself so that you can put one foot in front of the other, and still look yourself in the mirror at the end of the day.

Still, this wasn’t an infected ghoul looking to eat the local squatters for lunch, or a paranormal critter with the ability to speak and reason being ‘relocated’ so that it’s astral signature would stop messing with the local shamanic lodge.  It was a metahuman, although one that was probably a bad guy. Maybe he had the gangster’s standard bordello of a half-dozen females each with one or two kids of their own he was supporting with his debauchery? Maybe a jury of his peers would blame social media if he got arrested and went to court? Perhaps an evil mega corporation was holding his family hostage somewhere? Or maybe the entirety of the argument was moot, as he became so much wet carbon darkening the cratered sani-tile that makes up the floor of this stuffer shack.

Mentally grinding his near-constant mental dialog under the heel of his boot and pushing it down to wherever his stomach seemed to have relocated its self, Sylvester quietly moves his hands and eyes together as the crossbow reloads its self and the electronic winch draws back the elastic drawstring for the next bolt.

Only a little bit further, and slightly obscured by the fallen debris was the mage impostor. Too far with the debris and backlight to make out any real details other than the obligatory “shoot me first” costume set.

Luckily; the Adams apple was typically in the middle of the neck. If it was a mage, it would be difficult to cast spells without that.

Andrew slowly lets out the breath he was half-holding from the previous shot and begins the mental cadence to line up the next bolt.

No voice, no spells, small and silent, iron-sights are a blur obscured by the focus on the back-lit warlock. with the outline you can tell which way he’s facing, the small blob on the top is his head, the larger underneath is the body, between the two is the neck, in the middle of the neck is the Adam’s apple… aim small… miss small…

Initiative Pass 1: Simple action: Aim. Simple Action: Aim.
Initiative Pass 2: Simple action: Aim. Simple Action: Aim.
Initiative Pass 3: Simple action: Aim. Simple Action: Fire, called-shot to the neck.   

Firearms: 4 Agility 7 +2 dice (Smartlink)  +1 Dice-pool (Personilized grip) +5 dice (Aim) -2 dice for backlighting = 17 dice
Vital-area called shot -4 dice pool (+4 weapon damage) 17-4=13
Crossbow Bolt: Damage 2P (+4 to: 6 physical)

13d6.hits(5) → [1,4,6,4,1,1,4,1,1,2,6,4,2] = (2)

Total successes: 2
Damage: 6 physical, plus whatever he can’t dodge.
*GLITCH* (I’m guessing a broken crossbow string)
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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2012, 10:31:36 PM »

"The greatest danger of bombs is in the explosion of stupidity that they provoke."
-Octave Mirbeau

A little mood music:

Quote from: GM Stuff
Ruski; as Sylvester: INIT:15 (3-passes)
Ingo; as Eric: INIT:11 (1-pass) (4 passes in VR)
Zone; as Sundance: INIT:9 (1-pass)
Bull30548; as:Kinsey: INIT:8 (1-pass)
Bad Guys: Init 6 (1-pass)

Actions: Round 2 Initiative Pass 1
Ruski: at initiative pass 15: Aim Aim (Fire)
Ingo: at initiative pass 11: Running for rear doors (to Area H)
Zone: at initiative pass 9: Crossing behind Aisle 17 toward lady with baby.
Bull:  at initiative pass 8: Nuking brain to cast Force 4 Manaball

Sly lines up the shot. As he slows his breathing and the chaotic world slides to a standstill, the wires in the roofing sparking and making pretty arcs through the air, the florescent lighting swinging and reflecting off the rows of reflective clear plasteel freezers, the civilian trying to close himself behind the minor protection of the clear door.

There's nothing really physical that goes off when a mana-based spell fires. There's that tickling at the hairs on the back of your neck, the immediate and gut-wrenching feeling that you're in the wrong place at the wrong time, and about to have a really bad day. But inanimate objects don't react to mana, so aside from the people, there's no indication that anything went at all wrong.

Of course, if you can see on the Astral, that's another story entirely.

You would be able to watch as a tornado of equal parts lightning, fire, and floating cloud of death formed in the middle of the group and then exploded. Even if there hadn't been a ton of interference around the shaman-looking omae, it would have been an impressive sight.

A spell of that magnitude, going off as a contest of wills between two mages? Epic. Not even the trideo hucksters can compare to it, with their bleeding edge special effects can compare- there's just something about seeing raw power, unconstrained, violent, devastating. Like watching a tsunami come toward you, and knowing that you're about to die; it makes the trideo version seem a little lame. The energy fries your senses, and you can even feel the tenderness of a sunburn as the energy washes over you.

Sly, your crossbow string is made from actual spidersilk dipped in plasteel and wound for strength under tension. Part of your brain wonders if that counts as a living thing. There's a canister near the bombers that explodes a bunch of sticky blue liquid, and your brain wonders what part of that was actually organic enough to warrant a response.

Something tips off other denizens of the store, as Mister Helpful and Miss Soykaff bolt for places of relative safety. Unfortunately for the two of them, they happened to plan paths the cross directly in front of the rear stockroom door. They are moments away from slamming into each other when the spell goes off, directly at the front of the store, between the three gangers.

The wanna-be shaman is the first to react, shouting and holding out his hands, as his fake-o dreamcatchers and genuine eagle featherztm catch fire and push away as though he were standing in a great wind. In the astral, again, this sight is much more impressive, as the will from one magi slams against the will of another shaman, sparks and flames curling around their astral forms.

The wave of power overrides whatever defenses the shaman had set up, and the three gangers each react, spitting up blood and bleeding from eyes and ear, nose and fingernails.

Moving carefully over downed shelving and peeking over the remaining shelf before taking a potshot at the beleaguered mage, the last ganger takes some cover. The ganger is firing the classic AK-97, known the world 'round for being cheap to get, easy to modify, and ridiculously simple to remove the serial numbers off of. The distinctive bark punches a hole in the remainder of the counter Bull is trying to take cover behind, and you can feel as it comes through the cheap faux-wood.

Fornis channels his will, casting an orb that's a minor reflection of the wave of destruction that Kinsey sent his way. Not that it would be any less lethal, it's simply a smaller spell.

Lining up his shot, Sly lets out half a breath, and releases. The wanna-be shaman sees him coming, but slipping in that blue goop steals his momentum, leaving him wide open to the bolt, which catches him neatly in the throat. It's hard to tell if it killed him, but the guy has an arrow in his neck, and that can't be good- he goes down in a heap, landing on his back.

The baby at the back of the shop takes this moment to begin crying again. The last member of the gang, face-down out there on the pavement in the snow, begins to move around.

Quote from: GM Stuff
Ruski, okay I looked it up, and you only get 1/2 your skill rating (rounded down) from aiming, so Sly only gets +2 dice from aiming. Not a problem, we'll just keep your roll as-is, and go from there. I didn't know either, so no harm no foul.

Bull, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but its my job as GM to take glee in it. The mage (Fornis) was spamming the area with mana (Astral Perception test would have noticed it- as well as confirming that the 'poser' was an actual awakened talent). He's going to roll his professional pool (two dice) as well as his counterspelling (six dice) to burn down the energy you're flinging in his direction.

Here's Fornis' roll to de-power the Manaball: 8d6 → [1,4,5,4,5,6,2,2], 3 successes.
Burns the spell down to zero. Also a good reason to identify mages and geek them first.

Also, unfortunately, Zone and Ingo have crossed paths at a full sprint. I'm going to need some sort of roll to avoid knockdown: Dodge (2), Gymnastics (2), Running (2), or Unarmed Combat(2)... or another skill that I'm not thinking of, but will probably require an additional success to work.
Sorry, omae.

Fortunately, Fornis takes a crossbow bolt to the throat, which is going to make his remaining few seconds of life much more difficult. And, since the writers neglected to give him any armor, he's going to dodge (-1 dice to his next action, Agility 4 dice, -2 for defaulting. Hoo boy.

Here's Fornis' roll to dodge. If I was a betting man, I'd think probably not so much: 2d6.hits(5) → [1,1] = (0)
And I would have been correct- critical glitch. Ouch.
Dice to resist damage (+2 DV due to fumble on dodge) Body = 3.
3d6.hits(5) → [2,6,2] = (1)

So, with that lucky roll, he's taken 8 of his allotted 9 boxes of damage, and is prone.
Edit: He dead.

To his defense rushes Crank (the last standing ganger), who looks at the maniac with the crossbow and the mage, and quickly decides to start shooting someone.
Crank: Automatics (5) - 1 (moving over broken ground) -1 (attacker has cover) leaving him 3 dice. He's aiming (+1) and firing one short burst (-2), using the last of the professional (2) pool, to cover for his wounds (-2).

2d6.hits(5) → [3,5] = (1)

Bull, that's 1 hit, at 7P. You can dodge (for -1 dice off your next attack), or you can just try and soak damage with your phat armor and bod. Remember your wound modifiers.

Ruski, you have your third-pass action left (I moved the firing sequence up to IP 2, where it would have happened if you could only aim twice).

Bull, you have -3 dice from injuries, please roll accordingly. Feel free to nuke these guys again and die doing it- the Stuffer Shack is a consequence-free scenario, and you can do whatever you want.

edit: Adding resistance dice for the spell, since Bull&Ingo were right, and I was wrong.
Each ganger benefits from +3 successes.
Stooby: 1d6.hits(5) → [4] = (0) (3 successes, but still Toast)

Crank: 3d6.hits(5) → [6,4,4] = (1) (4 successes, takes 5 boxes of damage)

Fornis:5d6.hits(5) → [3,5,1,5,1] = (2) (5 successes, takes 4 boxes of damage)

This also alters the plan of attack, since everyone took damage from Bull, before Sly got his shot. I'll post further edits accordingly.

Edit: Crank fired at Bull, using the last of the professional (2) pool to do so with wounds. He hit (one success), and now Bull gets a dodge/resistance test.

Fornis also attempted to nuke Bull, since... he didn't like getting mana-ed in the face one bit.

Fornis: Spellcasting Manabolt (7 - 2 wounds) (5)
5d6.hits(5) → [6,4,3,5,6] = (3)

That's a manabolt with 3 successes, targeting Bull (unless the AK fire drops him, in which case Fornis will switch targets to Sly to keep things fair).

Drain: F(4)/2 = 2
Willpower (5 - 2 wounds) (3)
3d6.hits(5) → [5,5,1] = (2) (no drain damage, which doesn't matter, because he takes an arrow to the throat in about .085 seconds)

« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 07:37:43 PM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2012, 10:21:52 AM »

Eric tastes the little bit of vomit that appears in the back of his throat when he hears the blood curdling screams and gurgling from the scary people behind him.  Out of the corner of his eye he notices a bunch of colors moving his way.  In mid-sprint he decides he's close enough to dive through the doors to the stock room hoping to avoid the moving colors while simultaneously trying to swallow the vomit down. 

Dodge (2) + Agility (4) = Pool 6
6d6.hits(5) → [6,6,6,1,5,3] = (4)
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 12:45:01 PM by Ingo Monk »

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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #37 on: April 26, 2012, 11:02:57 AM »

Sylvester watches as an unseen mage pulls the rapt attention of the gangers, and leaves him with a second and a half to think as something other than a reactive roll.

It won’t take them long to remember him though. And with the broken crossbow retreating back into wrist-guard form, he was left with just his unarmed combat skills.

Sylvester remembers back to the days of unarmed combat instruction. He only went for a year, so he didn’t have a black belt or anything like that. But he did remember the two commandments given to new entrants into the self defense course:

“The first commandment of unarmed combat: Thou Shall Arm Thyself”
“The second commandment of unarmed combat: Thou Shall never fight fair, nor against overwhelming odds. Run and Move.”

The thought of charging down a gangster whelding an assault rifle, armed himself with an empty fist and strong language seemed like a bad idea.  Running full tilt with an ejected crossbow bolt as a pokey-weapon was only slightly better. The best option he could see was to get a gun.  The Ork he originally shot was armed with a Troll-sized handgun of some sort. Hopefully this was one of those Orks with the “safety third” motto, because if he got over there and found it equipped with a safe-fire system, this was going to be a short sprint. There was some sort of blue sticky slime that got spread out from the manna-ball discharge. Sylvester theorised that the cellulose based container had more ‘all natural ingredients’ than the plastic blue goo pretending to be food. Or maybe there was a dead rat inside there? Either way it was a mess, and he planned on the last three feet of this dash to be more of a slide than anything else.

Time to Drek or get off of the pot.

Sylvester leaves his hiding space and sprints for the opening of the store.
(Athletics:3, Agility:7) (I’ll let you pick the target number and roll)

He’ll grab the troll-gun and (first thing next round) move for cover (perhaps continuing to run all the way outside the store) He has a skill level 4 in the firearms group, so if he’s instantly screwed by his weapon choice he may know it as soon as he picks up the gun.
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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2012, 12:04:34 PM »

Dodge (7-5 = 2 roll: 1,3 result: Glitch
Absorbing damage (If we are stacking  armor my armor is 10 for ballistic if going with best 6.  And body is 3 as well and I believe that I will let Kid determine what happens with the glitch.)


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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2012, 10:41:52 PM »

They say that in a gunfight, any gun will do.

Sly can see the details of the oversized pistol as he sprints towards it, noting the 'Type-T' carved in after the ARES symbol and the distinctive Predator logo. A gun specifically marketed to trolls, made with larger handgrips and larger trigger guards for larger fingers.

Sly holds his breath as he scoops up the gun, hoping that the ganger didn't have a smartlink safety, have the gun with a biometric lock, or wasn't bluffing about having a loaded gun. I mean, they blew up the front of the Stuffer Shack, they meant business- but you never know.

A sigh of relief issues at wound-down speeds as Sly checks the gun, finding it loaded, and ready to go. His smaller hands hold the massive weapon awkwardly, but it's still a weapon.

Eric leaps over the blur approaching from his left. He's satisfied that he cleared the other person- he couldn't remember if this was that dude in red who needed help with the commlink, or... was it a girl? The idea of it being a woman only gets worse as he feels the person passing under him clip his boot, a muffled expletive as the woman goes down.

Eric only has a moment to worry about it, as he slams face-first into the doors, which have apparently locked down under security protocols. Or something. Maybe this manager is just the paranoid type. It shouldn't take two seconds to hack the door... it's just going to take a moment for the stars to clear from his vision first.

The gangers round on Kinsey, ignoring the fountain of blood churning out his nose and ears.

Oddly enough, he hears Doc's voice, as the wanna-be shaman chants a ditty and the other ganger starts shooting.

"You know what being a hero gets you? Dead, fragger!"

He couldn't agree more. Time to run and hide, wait for the storm to pass over, heal up with a stripper or two to nurse him back to health.

The shaman's chantings turn to sputterings, but Kinsey tries to get up, to make a break for it. He slips, his hands red, as the machine gun off to his right rattles. He can feel the bullets impact his armor, feels his head whip forward and to the left, feels the brief sensation of falling...

Quote from: GM Stuff
Okay, Ruski gets the gun, Ingo finds a door, Bull takes a nap, Sundance runs to rescue a lady with a baby.

Ruski's new gun is a troll-sized Ares Predator II (super current technology circa 2050). It's loaded, safety is off, and ready to go.

Ingo, I'll need a body resistance roll against Impact armor, against the 2S (stun of slamming face-first into the door). I don't know what armor you're wearing at the moment, apply as much as you think should apply.

First, Sundance's roll for dodging Ingo (Ingo was successful).
Sundance: Agility (4) + Unarmed Combat (3) = 7
7d6.hits(5) → [3,4,4,2,4,5,2] = (1) -- Ouch, not good enough. Sundance takes a boot to the head as she slides under Eric's dive.

Body resistance test against Eric's body of 2;
Sundance: Body (3) + Armor Jacket 8/6 (6) = 9
9d6.hits(5) → [3,6,2,5,3,6,1,4,4] = (3)
So she's good on stun, just... surprised.

Bull: Kinsey's body resistance test; I made the shaman take +2 DV from his botch, so I'll apply the same here. Luckily, you have a ton of armor against just this sort of thing, so you may not be happy, but you should survive.
The attack was originally 1 success at 7P (narrow burst), with the glitch goes up to 9P.
Kinsey: Body (3) + Armor (10) - Wounds (3) = 10
10d6.hits(5) → [3,1,4,3,4,4,2,6,4,2] = (1)

Eight additional boxes... Okay, so that's not good for him. I picture him in Nirvana (or Limbo), with a stripper on each arm, so ... he's at least in a better place?

We're up to the third round. Order is as follows:
Ruski; as Sylvester: INIT:15 (3-passes)
Ingo; as Eric: INIT:11 (1-pass) (4 passes in VR)
Zone; as Sundance: INIT:9 (1-pass)
Bull30548; as:Kinsey: INIT:8 (1-pass)
Bad Guys: Init 6 (1-pass)

Actions: Round 2 Initiative Pass 1
Ruski: at initiative pass 15: (Run, maybe shoot?)
Ingo: at initiative pass 11: (Unlock rear doors to Area H)
Zone: at initiative pass 9: (Continue toward lady with baby)
Bull:  at initiative pass 8: (Making out with slutty angels)

« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 10:44:06 PM by Kid_Vid »
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2012, 04:38:58 PM »

As Sylvester clears the coffee covered counter he is attacked by Fornis, the mage uttering the last syllable of a spell before the crossbow bolt reaches his throat.
Switching to the astral Sylvester watches as Kinsey’s signature sputters and fades, while a lightning bolt races towards him in psychedelic hews. 
Sylvester puts up his willpower as a tangible shield in the astral plane, but the dying mage’s spell burns through it and still manages to strike him in the chest.
He can feel his lungs tighten, and his heart skips a beat or five as the astral plane tries to kill him. Pushing through the pain his vision goes blurry and he can feel the nervous tremors that precede  deep cellular damage. He continues running.
His only consolation is that he gets to see the mage’s astral figure implode as the very real crossbow bolt sinks into his throat.
Take that Fragger!

Sylvester sprints towards the gun missing only a half step somewhere in the middle while the mage microwaves his brain.  Sylvester is only half-watching as the thug named ‘crank’ pumps round after round into the pile of meat that use to be Kinsey.

Reaching his destination after what seems an eternity, Sylvester switches back to his natural vision mode and scoops up the heavy pistol with both hands, noticing the “Welcome to Aries” showing up in his-double vision outlined PAN as the smart-link instantly comes online and activates on pickup.

Aim for the one in the middle.
Sylvester fires twice at the still standing Crank’s back, hoping that the heavy pistol is able to keep the gang member down long enough for him to get to his van.
A good friend of his once said: “A pistol is only good enough to fight your way back to your car, so you can pick up the long-gun you should have brought with you in the first place.”


Manabolt 3 sucesses (difficulty level:4)

Willpower: 2 (edge 2) Magic 1 = 5 dice (need 3 hits… please oh please oh please)
5d6.hitsopen(5,6) → [[6, 6, 3],2,2,3,2] = (2)
Takes 2 points off of the 3 successes.
Resist 6 boxes of damage with 4 body dice.
4d6.hits(5) → [4,4,3,2] = (0) (^%$^%$$$!!!)
Takes six boxes of damage. (moderate wound -2 dice pool)

Aries Preditor type-T
Internal smartlink + 2 dice -2 dice for wrong sized weapon
(net wash)
5P, AP-1; Semi-Auto 15 rounds in a clip. Value 300Y
Agility 7 weapons skill 4 (– 2 for wounds)  = 9 dice

9d6.hits(5) → [4,5,3,3,3,6,6,5,6] = (5)
9d6.hits(5) → [6,3,4,4,5,3,6,2,3] = (3)
9d6.hits(5)=5, 9d6.hits(5)=3
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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2012, 11:04:09 PM »

Eric dives over the multi-colored woman thinking to himself that this would look awesome in John Woo III's next trid flick.  He smirks to himself as the rainbow catches his boot, turning his dive into a spiral of doom.  In a split second the smirk is replaced with a look of terror as his face collides with the door mid-spiral-of-doom-dive.


His body seems to float for a second, like a dart stuck to a dart board.  In an instant he falls to the ground in a pile, at least that time his face wouldn't break his fall.  In a slight daze, he goes into full VR.  He thought to himself that if he's going to die, at least he'd record the murder and broadcast it out.  One way or another his killer would be brought to justice!

Quote from: OOC
Damage resistance vs. face!  Well, his face doesn't have armor so it's just body I supposed.  I'll throw Edge into the roll.
Body 2 + Edge 2 = Pool of 4
4d6.hitsopen(5, 6) → [2,3,[6, 5],1] = (2)

Hooray Edge!

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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #42 on: May 07, 2012, 10:35:56 PM »

A critic is someone who never actually goes to the battle, yet who afterwards comes out shooting the wounded.
- Tyne Daly

The two gunshots echo like cannon fire, putting to rest the myth that troll-sized guns use standard ammo. A lot of the propellant is wasted in the explosion, but it's impressive to see, with the vents on the Predator II making the distinctive firing all that more memorable.

The first bark lights up your nostrils and you can feel the cordite burning your nose. You don't see a lot of guns using older ammunition like this. The impact slams into the unlucky ganger's stomach, and into the leaning shelf of personal hygiene products, a can of compressed white foam spraying out to his left. You remember something from the commercial about the foam being vegetable-based. It sure stinks like an all-natural product.

A half-second to bring the gun back down, lining up the iron sights- this gun's smartlink isn't wireless, it would take a hell of a patch job to get it to work with your commlink, but it works for a quick and dirty fix like this. The second bark echoes, catching the ganger again in the stomach. An errant can of "Campbell's Soup Products," a proudly owned division of ARES sits on the shelf, and takes the ricochet, exploding into red goo. Some people might call it food, you would call it overpriced.

The ganger crumples to the ground, the hacker is still stirring on the slurry pavement outside, but it's clear that the threat is over. Sundance reaches the woman just in time to help her and her crying baby leave the safety of the store. The man trying to cram himself into the freezer isn't listening to any reason, and... that's about it.

You're on the scene of a very violent crime, one of you literally holding a smoking gun.

As Sundance ushers the girl and her baby out of the store, the girl's hood is pushed back from her hair, exposing a cute brunette bob and slim elven ears. "I just know this was that slot, Mel Cozi!" Sundance shushes her, but makes sure she's on her way with the supplies she came to the Stuffer Shack looking for.

Speaking of- the employees are out, and the bomb trashed the surveillance gear. Even if this place wasn't on the edge of the Aurora Warrens, where no sane corp-sec would show his face here in under an hour- and that's if these kids were lucky. Inside twenty minutes, this place would be cleaned out, ripped to shreds by the scavengers. You should get something, while you're here.

Quote from: GM Stuff
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Back to the Shack (also known as Food Fight). You have (mostly) survived intact, and we'll tweak your characters and then re-start once a friend of mine joins us, and we'll be off for another helping!

Also, you get 1 karma for surviving Stuffer Shack. Use it in good health.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2012, 01:22:45 PM »

Sylvester continued on in ‘combat mode’ even after the readily apparent ‘threats’ evaporated into so much Denver snow.
As he moves toward his van he glances briefly at the first stirrings of the gang’s hacker, face down in the slush.

”Nice of you to all wear matching patches. Lets me know who to shoot without having to bother playing 20 questions.”

Sylvester’s stirring moral compass continues to swing wildly at the last murder.
Sadly, he had his past experiences with gangs in Seattle to draw upon, and that experience was all bad. Leave one gangster alive, and soon the rest of the clan would reign down hell upon you.
No gangster witnesses = No retaliation.
They may eventually be able to piece together what happened here based on their sources inside the local equivalent of law-enforcement. But there was no reason to make that easy.

Sylvester opens his van, slipping on his matching red gloves, and grabbing his Aries Redline out of its docked charging station. 
”There, that should make the rest of the evening go smoother.”

Sylvester moves back into the store. He briefly checks without touching; the four gangsters. Anyone that looks gang-related & still living gets two rounds from the troll-sized gun.  Anyone looking more threatening than a twitch or two, will be receiving a detailed lesson in optic appreciation: care of his laser rifle.

Satisfied that the immediate threats are taken care of, he moves to the chore of ‘clean-up’. Time is always at a premium, but an ounce of prevention saves a gallon of blood.

First off: evidence. Sylvester picks his way to the tool aisle getting a pair of pliers out of the jumbled mess. Moving to the still warm corpses he will pull the crossbow bolts out of the skulls. More than likely they are bent beyond usefulness, but there’s no reason to let the loan-star or errant knight enforcers look at them.

Secondly; The story. Everyone loves a happy ending, with no loose ends.  He needed something that the local paper would want to print.
Luckily: Kinsey had already volunteered for hero duty. Sylvester grabs a 5 gallon bucket of bleach, some boric acid and steel wool from the cleaning aisle. Moving the bucket to the hero’s corpse, he opens it and places it by Kinsey’s right side.
Thumbing the magazine release, Sylvester drops the half-full magazine into the open bucket, turning the weapon over and ejecting the chambered round into the soup afterwards. Taking the weapon in locked-back ready position Sylvester will open the box of acid and drop the caustic powder over the weapon, then placing it into Kinsey’s dead hand, he submerges the entire grim opera into the open bucket. The acid and chlorine would burn like a bitch if Kinsey was still alive to feel it, but he wasn’t; and the melting hand could cover any scrap of DNA Sylvester happened to leave on the weapon.
So: Kinsey fought an entire gang to the death, defending the innocent members of the community. Then, wishing to remain an anonymous hero, he bled out while trying to clean up the crime scene. There was enough truth in that to keep everyone happy, even if the exact order of events was a little off.
Sylvester drops the steel wool sponges in and around the bucket, pocketing the empty box.

Moving back to his original position by the ruined coffee station Sylvester looks for and finds his broken bow string. Would anyone else look for it? Probably not.  Did it need to be here on the off-chance they did? Definitely not.
Once locating the string he will add it to his burn-pocket for later.
On his final trip out of the store he will grab a bag of real  un-ground coffee beans and a hand grinder. He was going to get a good cup of coffee out of this mess if it killed him. And maybe a month supply case of the krill-meals? He would get sick of eating it long before he ran out, but being full and miserable was much better than starving to death in the cold mountain air.

Looking over the parking lot he sees Kinsey’s bike, still hooked up at the pump.
Sylvester walks over, drops the nozzle on the ground, and pushes the treaded bike out of the way. Pulling his own van to the pump he retrieves the nozzle from the snow and slurry and fills up his tank.
”A full belly of petrol for a Hero’s send off. Sounds like a fair enough trade to me. Welcome to Denver Mother-Fragger.”

Sylvester hangs up the nozzle and re-enteres the van.  He cranks up the heater and drops the van into gear, driving carefully into the ever brightening morning. He still had that Pixy job to take care of. It was going to be a long day.
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Re: Back to the Shack
« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2012, 10:34:10 PM »

Finally in full VR Eric pulls up a resource list, trying to figure out which nodes are still viable.  He pulls up a camera feed that didn't get knocked out in the blast and notices that everything has quieted down.  He sees the multi-colored woman (as that's what he decides to call her for now) escort the mother and baby out, and the exterminator guy rummaging around.  Figuring it's safe now he logs off cracks the door enough to peer into the shack proper.  He decides to use the back door to exit and head to his RV.

Once safe in his RV he jacks in and logs into the stuffer shack network in full VR.  Not wanting to get involved, he figured the best thing to do would be to remove the evidence that he was there.  He connects to the surveillance system and downloads all records starting from 24 hours prior to his arrival.  "I'll sift through this later... gotta find out if someone is after me..."  He then goes about deleting all surveillance records and cleaning up the logs, making it look like the system hasn't made any recordings in weeks.  Afterwards he manipulates the code to make it look like it's stuck in an endless loop, as an explanation of the recording failure.  He makes sure to revert any prior changes he made (sorry Neil!).

After a final sweep of the system to clear any logs or other records of his presence he logs off.  Sitting up, he rubs his eyes and sits in the "pilot's" seat.  The RV roars to life as he notices the exterminator by the fuel pump.  He waves as he drives off, not knowing if Sly notices him or not. 

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill
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