Ruski; as Sylvester: INIT:15 (3-passes)
Ingo; as Eric: INIT:11 (1-pass) (4 passes in VR)
Zone; as Sundance: INIT:9 (1-pass)
Bull30548; as:Kinsey: INIT:8 (1-pass)
Bad Guys: Init 6 (1-pass)
Ruski: at initiative pass 15: Self-Building crossbow (Complex/automated)/ taking cover. (Simple)
Ingo: at initiative pass 11: Taking Cover. (simple)
Zone: at initiative pass 9: Humming ‘be prepared’ to herself. (free)
Bull: at initiative pass 8: looking outside (free), drawing Aries-Predator (simple), taking partial cover (simple).
As you stumble to your feet and reel from the blast, it's quickly apparent that this was no accident. The gaping hole in the storefront has several people in it- the is a pair of large ork gangers with chains, nanotats, and pleather- but the looks of a real ganger, not one of those weekend posers. There's something about the stench that settles into that leather that you can't fake.
There's a human guy dressed up like an amerind behind them, complete with feathers, warpaint and dreamcatchers. He might be a poser, or he could be a mage- hard to tell from here, especially with your ears ringing like they are.
On the pavement outside, there's another man lying partially facedown in the snowmelt- someone is going to have a major ice cream headache when they wake up; if they wake up.
The lead ork ganger, the one waving a troll-sized pistol and shouting at everyone seems to be asking a question, his greasy eyes sliding all over everyone and everything in sight. He seems to be looking for something.
Behind the remaining rubble of the counter, the ork kid is face-down, an impressive amount of shrapnel dotting his thick skull and making several punctures in his work uniform. He won't be going anywhere soon.
The dwarf girl who had been so annoying just a second ago, now rolls on her side in the fetal position, cradling her knees to her chest and screaming.
Sly rolls easily behind the counter of simense rigs and comms, the ones he had moments ago been choosing from. His AR pings, and the system notifies him that due to his recent purchase, he is being notified of a sale on slightly used goods. I guess the shelf took some shrapnel as well. His gauntlet unfolds into the crossbow with practiced ease, a well-cared for machine. Most people scoffed at the crossbow, thinking it somehow quaint with the era of the firearm underway, but the truth was you could pack more damage into a bolt than you could a bullet, even a good bullet.
More bang for your buck.There's a good chance the gangers didn't even see Sly move- they seem more interested in keeping footing in the sparking lights and mess as they move into the store; all except that lead ork, the ugly one. That one seems determined to find something.
AR shocked by the blast and real life upended by it, Eric rolls for the safety of the shelves, getting to one knee and ignoring the creepily clear lumps that smell meat-ish sticking to his jacket. The gangers might have seen him, or they might not have; it's difficult to say.
Sundance is barely pushed back by the blast- it catches her off-guard of course, but who would be expecting bomb blasts... sometimes you had to ask the stupid questions. Mentally humming an old anthem about being prepared for the worst and always being pleasantly surprised, Sundance simply slides behind the island for cups and straws, and tries not to slip in the Fizzy-Goo frozen dezzert
The motorcycles in the parking lot have headlights pointed into the front of the building, and it makes everything cast long shadows, kind of ominous if you asked me. Makes it hard to judge these fellas impartially, but it's probably safe to assume their mothers are ashamed of them.
Kinsey is at the front of the store, even covered slightly in rubble as he becomes aware of his surroundings. The ugly one (and that's saying something, among the orks walking into the front of the store), is already shouting at him, something that only an idiot would do after subjecting a group to a loud blast that's likely to make hearing difficult. The troll-sized gun doesn't need ears to get its message across, though. It's saying,
"Arigato, Omae- we're bad people, here to try and take away your nice things."There's a muted bark when Kinsey rolls behind the counter with his predator, taking half a second to blink a few times, and make sure his fancy smartlink contacts were in the right place and recieving transmission. He was facing the wrong direction, and these people knew where he was, but at least he had a gun.
Okay, so here we go.
Enjoy the mood music, I've been playing the new Syndicate, and it's awesome.
I posted your actions, and flavor where appropriate. The gangers haven't opened fire, but they aren't exactly being friendly. I made them orks, because... well, the booklet doesn't say, and I like including more metahumans, particularly poor ones.
Anytime anyone fires, I'll include a little 'flavor' from the Food Fight Table on page 18 of the Shadowrun Quickstart rules. I've linked to it before. There's all sorts of goop, from the explosion and from errant ricochets, and I'll be including them and covering you with them as I feel the need. Ingo is already the first victim. 
Gangers moved into the store and shouted orders to a deaf crowd. Feel free to continue, and we'll keep combat moving along at a turtles pace- compared to a snail, we'll be flying along!
Oh, and red dots mean you're crouched. There's not a good designator for that in this version, so that's what we're going with for now.
'Greyed out' means you're hidden or have good cover from the gangers.