Well, when you fault Jurassic Park II, you have to fault Micheal Crichton (however you spell his name- I'm sick and don't feel like looking it up).
I mean, at the end of the first Jurassic Park book, Hammond and Malcom die. They talk about shipping thier corpses back to the US for burial.
In the second book, magically they're ALIVE AGAIN! And then they rehash the same plot from the first book, with slightly different characters. Hell, the kids even had the same interests- the boy liked dinosaurs, and the girl liked computers.
I figure the second book was mostly a rehashing of the first movie.
So how do you make a good version of a sequel to a book that was kind of crappy to begin with?
As for AI, it was good, just... really long. I didn't get it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a beautiful movie.