Yeah... the most terrifying thing about it, for me, is that I know what we're walking into, but I can't play like I do, or tell anyone else about it. So I have to walk around, cautious but not prepared.
I kinda cheated, and I nuked the bees with a ball lightning spell, although I do have a force 2 air elemental and a force 4 fire elemental summoned and on standby. I didn't think of the elementals keeping the bees away, and that should work great, so thanks.
We actually came in through the ork underground, so we snuck in through the lower levels and up some stairs until we got to the mall, which is where we ran into the majority of our problems. We fought some Red Samurai turned Banded, one of those big chainsaw-weilding drones like on the cover of the book, the bees, and floorsweepers armed with weapons.
We tried to take the elevator, and ended up in the maze, so rather than going through all of that stuff, we climbed back into the elevator shaft and climbed up a few stories until we were above the maze and all of that stuff. So now we're in the "official" section of the arcology, and among the people who have no idea what's going on. Or maybe they're banded, and we're screwed.