The Idea in this thread about broadcasting your death to your buddies makes me think of a great idea.
Sure that's an excellent final attack for most shadowrunners. Go out with a bang, if you will.
But what about the poor slot who hasn't got any friends. If someone offs him, where's his revenge, I ask you?
DeathWagon! That's where. By attaching this biomonitor and paying our (hefty, and exuberant) monthly fees, we garuantee that we'll go done fighting, if you do. No friends to avenge you? Hire us! DeathWagon! For when you're too dead to care!
This is the best business for mercs! I could see a corp forming specifically offering this service. Work is plentiful, no negotiations necessary, and since everything you do is on the grey side of the law anyway, you may as well. Even if the slot doesn't die, he still paid his fees. Nice steady income. Kind of like a corp extension to the Life Insurance Policy. . .
I'm going to make a character to found this business. (Sadly, he will probably be the first to need it
