Our meatbots have been missing since '98!
PC: See, your' honor, it's like this. Me and Tusker and Mad Sammy were going in hot to geek this cobber who iced Jack66, when Tusker took a round to the head. That damn Jack66 iced my chummer! So I opened up on him and scragged the fragger real good. But see, Tusker had a wife and a kid, and what are they gonna do for money now that Tusker's ghouls food??GM (Judge): So let me get this straight, Mr. Boudreaux. You and these two other men broke into the residence of one Jackson Milton with the express purpose of commiting murder. In the process of killing this man, one of your companions, one Charles Montegue, was killed when Mr. Milton shot him in the head. At which time, you killed Mr. Jackson. And now you are seeking compensation from Mr. Jackson's estate?PC: Um.....GM (Judge): Balif, please escort Mr. Boudreaux to a holding cell.Gabriel