*shrug* all my friends use to say that.
we all put in about the same.
buy a pack a day, on average. at $2.50 each, it adds up in actual purchace value over the two years or so we played it.
that's what? $1,825 in money put out. times about four guys...
yea, anyways, if you take the 'resale value' of all your cards, it looks like something akin to 10 times that.
when people started getting out of it though, and it comes to actually selling your cards... even people who want them, don't want them bad enough to pay the list price in whatever magazine is currently toting the highest price.
you can sell rare cards for about a quarter each on E-bay, but that's about it.
maybe a buck and a quarter, if it's something super old.
but even the cards "Worth $2,000 !!!" go for about a hundred bucks.
I bought out my friends to the tune of $50 each, and gave all my cards to my little brother when he expressed an intrest.
I think he gave them to someone else. *shrug* oh well. was fun while it lasted.
I think comics are the same way though, even if it says that it's worth $2,000, I bet you can find it on E-Bay for 1/10th of that.
-RuskiFace the Pirate