You can get some information about ghouls, vampires, etc. in various books across the entire publishing spectrum. Shadowrun COmpanion has a section dedicated to creating ghoul PC's and the effects of the Krieger strain of HMHVV. You can also check out the Critter book (which comes with the 3rd Edition GM Screen) for vrious critters and how they are effected by HMHVV. For instance, goblins are dwarves with HMHVV, and Tzou-Noo-Qua are trolls with HMHVV. As far as I know, that's the only way you are going the get the info you need. OF course, if you can get a copy of the 2nd Edition module 'Eye Witness', it talks about the first, and last, ghoul commune in North America. There may be some paydata in that book.