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Author Topic: Werewolf  (Read 12541 times)

Ingo Monk

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« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2006, 03:10:23 PM »

I've played a mortal in a World of Darkness game.  WoD is the setting for the universe, and all White Wolf games exist in that world (and all the mechanics for the different games are pretty much the same).

Werewolves fighting Vampires is pretty commonplace, and White Wolf has had these games for years, which is why White Wolf tried to throw a lawsuit at the people who made the Underworld movies.  (Did you know White Wolf's first game was 'Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game'?)

It's tough trying to survive as a mortal in WoD, everything can kill you with a flick of their wrist.  Werewolves are butch though, it usually takes an entire squad of vampires with a good trap to kill a werewolf.

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« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2006, 03:30:59 PM »

See... that's interesting stuff. So I'm going to be fighting a lot of vampires in this game?

What are other obstacles? Do real people play any sort of threat?

The thing with this group is, I've played a couple of 'charismatic intelligent manipulative puppetmaster' kind of characters, and now they assume that everyone that I'm creating is going to be a character along those lines. (I've only played like three characters with this group, two more than the other, and both of them were fairly intelligent and manipulative)

Are there 'good guys' and 'bad guys' in Werewolf games? Or is it more alignment-less, like Shadowrun?

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« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2006, 04:07:07 PM »

okey dokey. they are all yours.

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« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2006, 04:28:02 PM »

Kind of both.  The Garou believe themselves to be the warriors of Gaia.  They believe there are three parts, the Wyrm (Usually represented as a serpent or a dragon), the Weaver (a spider), and the Wyld.  According to legend (And someone correct me if I'm remembering wrong), the three were once balance, the Wyld creating new resources, the Weaver giving it order, and the Wyrm breaking down things that were no longer needed.  Eventually, the Weaver went insane and took the Wyrm with it.

Now, the Weaver tries to create the ultimate order, while the Wyrm corrupts anything it touches.  The Garou generally see the Weaver as the lesser of two evils since it tends to ignore them if they leave it alone  The Wyrm, however, actively seeks to destroy the Garou.

All the different groups in White Wolf (Werewolves, vampires, Hunters, etc), however, see themselves as the good guys.  I.e. if you're playing a 'wolf, you'd see vampires as servants of the Wyrm, and Hunters will fight pretty much anything supernatural.


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« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2006, 04:54:50 PM »

Cool... so it's like a three-front holy war, or something like that?

Are werewolves allergic to silver bullets? How does that work? What else can be used against them?

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« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2006, 04:59:20 PM »

all the normal stuff you'd see in the movies.

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« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2006, 05:14:47 PM »

but how does that work in-game?

Is it +1 power level, like SR? How does damage work?

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« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2006, 09:34:40 PM »

There's two types of damage: Normal and Aggrevated.

Werewolves can't regenerate aggrevated.  It heals at the same rate a normal injury would a human.

Silver, magic, certain abilities all cause aggrevated.  I think there's other things that cause aggrevated, but I can't remember what.  8)


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« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2006, 11:39:05 PM »

I believe the current edition supports 3 types of damage:

Bashing is blunt trauma, getting hit with a fist or a 2x4. works a bit like SR stun damage, and werewolves regenerate it like blazes. Vampires take only half bashing damage (or they used to, anyway).
Lethal is what you get from swords and bullets. It can kill you, but if you're a werewolf, don't worry too much about it. You still regenerate it pretty quickly, atleast once you're out of combat.
Aggrevated is supernatural damage or 'special weaknesses'. This basically means silver, the teeth and claws of supernatural creatures (like, say, werewolves), some types of magic, stuff like that.
I'm not sure if you can soak it in this edition, and that stuff can and will kill you. Hwever, IIRC you can regenerate it, just very slowly (I seem to recall something about 1 health level per day of rest, but that may be an earlier edition).
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« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2006, 08:41:28 AM »

that's pretty fast still.

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« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2006, 02:54:18 PM »

As compared to Shadowrun's healing times, yeah.

Is there anything else I should know about Werewolf? Any plot hooks or anything I should know so I can exploit it?

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« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2006, 02:58:42 PM »

*shrug* bloodlines are pretty much all-important in all of the white-wolf campaigns.

son of a famous bounty-hunter, dirrect linage of cain, son of a pack elder... thoes are all shortcuts to glory.

make up some BS backstory as to why you are the biggest and the best based on bloodline, and you'll have an easy-in to munchkin min-max your guy to death.

personally, I never enjoyed playing thoes PC's, but if you want to 'win'...

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« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2006, 02:30:32 AM »

Never played too much of a role when we've played.

And I'd pour plothooks down your neck till your pants fell off, but I haven't read the newest version of the WoD, so I don't know how many of them still applies.
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« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2006, 11:00:03 AM »

Well, pour away, and if they don't apply, they don't apply. But it'll give me an idea of what to expect, and I can work my own way from there.

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« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2006, 12:56:14 PM »

First a short intro to werewolf cosmology:
(abridged, and I have no clue if they still use it at all.)

There is Gaia, She is the Mother of all, the Earth, the World. Her sister is Luna, the moon goddess.

But there is also the Triad.

The Wyld is chaos, but it is creative chaos. It is fertility and inspiration, evolution and all kinds of change.

The Weaver is statis, the lack of change, constancy, consistancy.

The Wyrm is destruction, entropy.

The Wyld spins things out of chaos without aim or thought. Some of these things, the Weaver weaves into 'existance', meaning that it will be more than a thought or an illusion. The Wyrm breaks down the things the Weaver has made, and turn them into fresh 'stuff' for the Wyld to shape.

Originally the Triad were simply Forces, without mind.
But somehow, the Weaver attained sentience, and decided to weave the Wyrm into it's nets, that the world could become constant, static, and pleasing to the Weaver.
Bound in the webs of the Weaver however, the Wyrm went mad, fragmented, and these fragments attained a twisted sort of sentience, as well as a desire to destroy all.

The Werewolves are the Warriors of Gaia, Her immune system if you like.
Their main enemies are the minions (knowing or unknowing) of the Wyrm, and any or all of it's aspects. The main 3 aspects are the Defiler Wyrm, which deals in the destruction of morality and decency. It feeds and grows stronger when men beat wives they've sworn to honour and protect, bribe eachother, or rape little children. The Beast of War is the most physical destroyer, it thrives and feeds on acts of violence and destruction, killings and mindless slaughter. Finally there is the Devourer Wyrm, which I suppose you'd sum up as Gluttony, gone horribly wrong. It is the aspect of the Wyrm which always hungers for more, and in the end drives all of the Wyrm's minions to take/use/spend much more than they need. Greed and Megalomania are characteristic trades of those who have come to close to the Devourer Wyrm.

Werewolves are (as a group) animistic, and have pretty good arguments, in that they can call up spirits of various kinds. But the Wyrm has spirit minions too, and they spread it's evil across the world as they can. These spirits, called Banes are perhaps the primary foes of the werewolves.
But often the banes cannot be gotten at, and because the werewolves are fighting a loosing battle, they are often forced into fighting "cleaning up" battles, where they simply oppose the deeds on men that are in league (knowing or not) with the Wyrm, such as huge corporations polluting the enviroment.

If you've been paying attention, you should by now be asking yourself "But what about the Weaver?" Well, the Weaver is (among other things) technologyand science (maybe not the most obvious, but it makes a twisted kind of sense, if you think about it long enough, have a athrocentric enough worldview, and really want it to), but most werewolves either consider it a minor nuisance, or at most the lesser of 2 evils, compared to the Wyrm. Perhaps they are right.

Oh, and mind you, by now you know more of the werewolf cosmology than many werewolves themselves.
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