I've had WtA chronicles running for years, so I suppose I can claim to know the system reasonably well? Haven't looked at the newest incarnation though.
AJ's summary seems to be all in order, though one thing is worth noting:
If your group actually uses the rules as written, don't worry about being able to be a combat monster. I have a 90 lbs wimpy, who when he changes into Crinos shape (the middle 'Werewulf' shape, between human and wolf, but furthes from either) can still rip the governator a new one in under 0.5 secs flat. Werewolves are very powerful in combat, especially close combat.
The system is a lot like SR, or actually like what SR4 sounds like it's becomming. You roll a pile of d10s, against a fixed TN, and count successes, you should know how to do that I'm pretty sure.
There are differnaces, ofcourse, but don't worry too much.