Well, just a point of general interest; my wife and I are expecting our first child to arrive, care of the stork; some time late October.
I currently am hoping for the ever-popular October the 13th (Just so happens to fall on a Friday this year) or perhaps the more celebrated 31st. (We will of course welcome the little screaming fecal factory into our warm embrace at whatever predetermined time the almighty has seen fit to schedule for us though)
On the 9th of next week, I'll find out if in fact rumor is true and we will be accepting the residence of two simultaneous offspring into our home. (Twins of different natures hide in both her, and my own; genetic code)
At this time we are about six weeks into this process of creation. Having created several things during the course of my life, mostly computers, and a couple of cars; I incorrectly assumed that I was well prepared for a nine and a half month project of this scope. (I built an E-Business once that took about the same amount of time, complete with midnight outages that required 2AM runs to the store to pick up pickle ice-cream, my contractual boss at that point had very odd tastes.)
However, it is now apparent that no training on earth could have prepared me for the excitement of living with a pregnant woman. As I stare half-cross-eyed at the screen from three weeks of sleep deprivation courtesy midnight-sickness and cramp massage requests; I have a feeling that the adventure has only just begun.
So, if I seem sluggish; or comment overly on the odd choices that women sometimes make in dietary supplements; please forgive a humble digital pirate, on his ramshackle journey through life; I may stop and shudder, or post lengthy rants of almost no coherent value at 2AM while the rest of the world enjoys uninhibited sleep, but I’m not really trying to prove any individual point. I’m just trying to build a family.
-RuskiFace T. Pirate, Soon to be proud pirate father extraordinaire.