Well my solution is this. I could start a new group at my college. I am not opposed to running, rather than playing, so that's no big deal. My problem is lack of free time, (I'm an Engineering Major), so scheduling would be difficult.
Although one of my friends in Chicago runs games and LARPS for everything from Vampire : Masquerade, to Shadowrun, to DnD, to Homebrew stuff. He specializes in White Wolf, but he does everything. And he's content to run everything (something that I would need more sleep to do effectively. . .) Anyway, I plan on moving back to Chicago after I get my degree, so I have that solved, I just need patience.
Or I can play as a "temporary" character, and go nuts, and not have to worry about such mundane details as "consequences", whatever they are. . .

Incidentally, the only LARP I ever ran was a Paranoia game. With players that had never LARPed before, never played Paranoia before.
It is both my greatest achievement and most dismal failure, for the same reasons. Everyone had a blast though. . .