Wait, how did you get a character with a Magic rating of 14? Assuming you started with 6, that's 8 grades of initiation plus 8 additional rating to the magic attribute.
Initiation cost is 10 + (Grade x 3) in Karma. (SR4A pg 198)
Improving an attribute is new rating x 5 in Karma. (SR4A pg 270)
So starting at Magic 6, that's 8 initiate grades.
Grade 1 = 13 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 7)
Grade 2 = 16 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 8 )
Grade 3 = 19 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 9)
Grade 4 = 22 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 10)
Grade 5 = 25 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 11)
Grade 6 = 28 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 12)
Grade 7 = 31 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 13)
Grade 8 = 34 Karma (Max Magic Rating is 14)
Total Karma spent on initiation = 188
And since you don't get those attribute points for free, you need to spend Karma to increase your magic rating (and thus get those precious adept power points)
Magic Rating 7 = 35
Magic Rating 8 = 40
Magic Rating 9 = 45
Magic Rating 10 = 50
Magic Rating 11 = 55
Magic Rating 12 = 60
Magic Rating 13 = 65
Magic Rating 14 = 70
Total Karma spent on attributes: 420.
Total Karma cost for a mystic adept with 8 grades of initiation and total magic rating 14 (but effective magic rating 6 for spells): 608
That's an "Epic Level" character if I ever saw one, hahaha! Most runners "retire" around 100 Karma, at least that's what I read somewhere.
I recall playing "Epic Level" D&D 3.0 once, I was level total level 21 with all the classes/prestige classes etc. A dragon came at us and with my insane initiative I went first, and I killed the dragon in my first set of attacks. No one else in my group, not even the dragon, got an action before it died. After that it wasn't fun anymore