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Author Topic: Questions!!  (Read 4867 times)


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« on: April 14, 2006, 01:51:16 PM »

Ok. as i get ready for crater lake i get in touch with some my friends from last year, from job corp, and crater lake, and a good portion of them are interisted in a Shadowrun game.

That has little to do with this as i have some random questions i'd like to see what you guys think of.

First off is one i asked about in my woo back post.
With newphysad im making for a game here, i was thinking of a signature weapon as a Mono sword, or poss knife with Dikoting, was wondering how that would work for the sword, i figure it should least add some strength to the sword, making it less likely to snap if it hit something wrong, and poss hold off dulling can you guys think up anything other effects you guys could come up with either good or bad?

second.. what effects would having orihalcum have in cyber parts for mages? possibly bit more essence friendly or what? or is that already a part of some grades of cyber parts that are more essence friendly.

WHy is the sky blue, why do fools fall in love, what if dog was spelt Cat?

If a null mage was really intent on over cybering what effect would Cybermancy have? if any at all. and on that subject, what effect would those mana storms have on a null mage (im assuming none.. but with that scale of magic..), and are there any books that have info on them?

also.. one little thought just popped into my mind as i was thinking.. what happens to a vampire who tries to drain from a cyber-zombie? i'd imagine theres some risks involved in trying to drain essence from a person in the negative, heh, posibly end up pouring some of their own essence into the person?

thats bout all i can remember right now.. what all do you guys think about those? cept those three i just kinda threw in the middle...
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« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2006, 05:33:50 PM »

In reverse order using 3rd edition knowledge:

A person with negative essence cannot be drained, they are "dead" and the only thing keeping them alive is a powerful form of ritually quickened spell.

A mage loses all magical ability when their magic hits zero, regardless of geasa, therefore a cyber-zombie cannot use magic.

Orichalcum would only help cyber parts if they were actually foci. For example, simply making an  orichalcum-containing cyber-eye would do absolutely nothing. However, if said implant were enchanted as an Aim, Detection Spell, or Centering Focus et al; it would function exactly as the focus with orichalcum in it. As an on-the-fly house rule, you could make it so that the focus-implant is easier to conceal with Masking metamagic as it is now part of your aura and paid for with karma and would be concealed for free without requiring you to concentrate on masking it, even when active, as normal foci are.

A monosword cannot be dikoted, the monofilament wire around the edge would melt and be ruined when put through the plasma-coating process. However, a vibro-sword could be dikoted as the teeth have no monofilament edge. Anything that is dikoted will never rust, and will never get dull unless you're hitting other dikoted objects (or mining for diamonds with your combat axe)
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« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2006, 08:30:59 PM »

Dang.. I really liked that Dikoted mono sword idea.. and while the dikote vibro blade sounds cool, i was going for a more natural style weapon, well.. more or less. i realize a mono sword isnt to natural, but i was looking for unpowered. signature weapon possibly to become a foci or such if that could be mustered.. and one poss problem with Koting a vibro sword is if its thick it could cover those saw teeth...

figured ori wouldnt help make cyber parts more essence friendly, but was a thought for poss story hooks and such for mages..

and i was asking what would happen to a Null mage if he got cybered and tried CyberMancy since they are basicly large part immune, or an empty spot to magic and arent effected by it. Im also looking for some books on Null mages, magic in the shadows didnt have anything, which was a little annoying..
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« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2006, 07:40:45 AM »

A Null mage, never heard of it. The trouble is, if magic doesn't affect a null mage, then cybermancy wouldn't work, as they would resist the enchantments cast on them. Also, if their power derives from their living self, then essence loss would still destroy their ability to be anti-magic as they are less alive and therefore less real on the Astral plane.
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« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2006, 11:10:56 PM »

I remember the idea for the type of character he's describing as being called a 'nega mage' - a normal person who's so strong in will and thier disbelief of magic that they are actually a hole in astral space- they do not exist on the astral plane, nothing on the astral plane can see them, and they can't see magic in any form.

Even if they witness a magical event, they either rationalize it OR block it out. They're basically like otaku for the superpowered magic campaign. I always thought they were kind of a cool idea, but because they focus so much energy on disbeliving magic, it seems like kind of a waste to make one.

As for cyberwear and cybermancy affecting them, if I remember right, they got cyberwear normally. 6 essence, and all that kabootle. Once they reach 0 essence, they die, just like anyone else. But since they are void to magic, cybermancy would have no affect on them- they wouldn't even be able to target the guy with spells.

If I remember correctly. Of course, also if I'm remembering correctly, there was a ruleset for a negamage suddenly believing in magic, which was to go crazy. Or something like that. So your foxhole athiest can start believing in God, but it'll turn his world upside down.

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« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2006, 06:38:01 AM »

Eh. Sounds sort of overpowered. Seems like you'd be better off making someone with the Magic Resistance Edge. They can't voluntarily choose to not resist magic so they naturally fight all magic and not just negative magic.

You could just make an adept character with rating 6 magical resistance with a geas towards disbelief. They initiate by rationalizing magic, but in the end, they are magical themselves.
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« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2006, 01:03:43 PM »

I remember about 2 types.. one was basicly the Null zone, spirits wouldnt notice them ect, and they had no control, but same time they couldnt act as the all powerful mage fighter, couldnt control their power and couldnt make anything that wasnt directed at them stop, so said mage couldnt stop a fire ball from blowing up and hurting his team, just himself alone (though any fires started by it affect him) also stopped any good stuff to try and help him.  I think some physad powers might work on you to.. but not sure on that.

Nother type were awakened mages, but rather then spells they could nullify other peoples magic, so they could counter said fireball and either lower its strength, or remove it completely. I remember we had a discussion on this long long ago.. but thats about the... 5+ years ago more or less...
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« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2006, 03:18:32 PM »

Sounds like House rules then. I guess when you're working that way, you could probably just make up some stuff about it.

Keep in mind that Cyberzombies are already Null zones in effect, as their Karma hazing makes it very difficult to cast spells at them.
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« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2006, 03:24:38 PM »

this isnt something i came up with, was something posted on the board long ago, and thought there was something in some of the books about it.. but guess not. *shrugs*
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« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2006, 03:27:52 PM »

That's the trick, see it might have been in "Awakenings" but I largely ignore most of the stuff in the second editon book as it is as kooky as "Cybertechnology" :P
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« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2006, 12:46:53 AM »

No, nega mages were canon... I just don't remember from what book. I do remember talking to Ruski about it, though, so maybe he'll remember.

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« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2006, 07:46:02 AM »

one of the magic books.
I think the same one that talks about psyonics.
whatever that may be.

to be prefectly honest though, I run magic-lite campaigns.
where I can't count how many games i've run, I can count on one hand how many runners I've had play mages. and have fingers left over.
adepts... sure. but that's just another version of the cyber-edge if you ask me.
less power, and less risk.

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« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2006, 03:19:26 PM »

The book is either Magic in the shadows, and/or Year of the comet and/or wake of the comet.

All three touch on the subject.

I'll get more detail tonight. (I'm at work right now.)
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« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2006, 10:55:55 PM »

I don't think we have Magic in the Shadows, so it's probably Year of the Comet.

Actually, I've been wanting to play a mage for a while now, but I don't get to play very often, and I hate running "Prime NPCs."

Actually, ROOTless made me want to play mages again, now that I saw how they're supposed to work. No more casting force 10 spells, trying to fry someone- drop force 4 and kill 'em with successes!

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« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2006, 11:35:50 PM »

I had to learn that the hard way myself.

My first character was a mage, back in the old 1st edition days.
At some point during a night during the storyline, an assasin climbed in through the window. Luckily I awoke. I tried to fry him with a spell (powerbolt, I think, it's been something over a decade, so bear with me if I'm a bit hazy on the details, yeah?).
Before he got to roll body, I'd still done more damage to myself (albeit stun) than to him with my spell. Why? I'd forgotten all about Spell Pool.

Somewhat later, having dispatched the assasin with my predator I (and possibly help from a few friends, not sure), we went into the Ork Underground, looking for a guy. They insisted that he not be harmed if we found him, so I took him down (when we did see him) with a sleep spell.
Remembering how my first spell had done pretty much nothing, this time I remembered my spell pool, and used it all. Sleep is (was) just a manabolt with 'Stun' damamge instead of physical. But I'd overpowered the spell enough that he took M physical.
Needless to say, we got him out, even though the Orks did frown upon the method.

So, basically, it's all about maximizing effect, while minimizing drain.
Which is why I stopped using Fireballs back when the 2nd edition came out.
Reality?  That's for people who can't handle hot ASIST!

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