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Author Topic: Bart - From the Ashes  (Read 4586 times)


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Bart - From the Ashes
« on: April 20, 2006, 12:00:19 PM »

Where should I start? It’s weird… I feel like so much has happened, that I don’t even know how to convey it all.

I guess the Job. That’s where we should start. It seemed pretty standard, as I remember. We had a couple of ‘famous,’ or I guess ‘infamous’ is the word I would use when describing shadowrunners.

Yeah, there were a couple of fraggers there. That Clerick guy, the one who everyone says is bad-assed, using just those two sleek black pistols. I think I could have taken him. Oh, and Bobby the Camel Jones. You remember that guy? I lost a ton of newyen on that superbowl disaster. Fraggin shame that was.

Where was I? Oh, yes. Mister Johnson called me on the private number, and arranged to meet me and some other runners there. A couple I had heard of, and the rest were new faces. Or at least new to me. It’s always nice to make new contacts. But instead of a Mr. Johnson, Mister Fix It, or MFI as his friends call him, was there.

He offered us a job. He said it was simple, which means the fragger wanted to throw us to the pirannah, but meant he was trying to talk us out of good pay. Apparently the Mob and Yaks and Rings had all been having trouble with some local church group. The UB, he called it. Universal Brotherhood, or somesuch. I don’t deal with churches. The profit margin is far too low, but I needed the money, so I signed up.

Turns out, this isn’t a job to get them to back down, or anything like that. This is one of those pussy namby-pamby jobs where you watch and research, and do a whole lotta nothing. Sounds like something my brother would like.

So after MFI gave us the specifics for the job, we went and talked to our contacts. We were trying to figure out what the connection, if any, was between the Universal Brotherhood and the attacks against these other groups. I even went down to the chapel and looked over some of their literature. It was very interesting. It seemed like a place I would feel comfortable.

The two most inexperienced runners went out and got dirty and stinky, and went to the soup kitchen and homeless shelter, trying to see if there was some angle at work there. Who knows? It wouldn’t have been the first time those with everything had used the downtrodden to do their dirty work.

The problem was, everything came back clean. Squeaky clean.

I finally got tired of sitting on my hands and doing nothing. My brother and the newbie losers had tried to do all their digging, and they were knee-deep in nothing to show for it. I talked to Bobby, and we decided to do things our way. Walk in there, shoot some people, and get some answers. Simple enough.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Bart - From the Ashes
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 12:02:19 PM »

So Bobby the Camel Jones, who is actually a pretty cool guy when you get down to it, he and I decide to go in and do a little hostage negotiations. Take hostages, and threaten them until you get what you want, if you know what I mean. Clerick decides to come along with us, but I don’t think he was into the whole wanton blood-and-violence like Bobby and I, but we let him come along.

We march right in the front door, guns out and ready to go, and walk up to the pulpit, interrupting Father Whatever-and-ever’s sermon about buggsies and cutsie whatever. There are a couple of church members who ask us to leave politely, but we ignore them, and push them toward Clerick. If he’s as good as everyone says he is, he’ll be good enough to take care of two nobodies in a church.

I’m glad my brother isn’t around, because he would be a liability in a situation like this. The preacher man tries to negotiate, tries to get me to go with him in the other room ‘to talk,’ but I’m not having any of it. I wave my gun in his face to let him know who’s in charge, and I throw a smile to Bobby. This is my kinda situation.

Something is wrong. Something is very wrong.

Something is wrong. The preacher is all calm and quiet, and the stooges, rather than trying to get Clerick to leave, close the chapel doors. Bobby is a little freaked out by this, and shoots one of those fraggers who’s being all creepy and standing too close to him. I grab the preacher, and start demanding answers.

I hear Clerick shooting someone behind me as the preacher grabs me. He lifts me up by one hand, grabbing the front of my vest. I shove my Ingram into his armpit and pull the trigger, watching blood spray the people behind us. But his arm doesn’t drop. He just looks mad.

The people behind me are screaming. Father Vitolus is holding me by the front of my jacket, his eyes full of fury. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Clerick is fighting one of the devotees, and the other one is grabbing patrons who came to listen to tonight’s sermon and pulling their heads off. There are pure screams of panic, of terror.

The people are screaming behind me. Much better. This is how like things should be. But with a glance, I discover they’re not screaming because of us. One of these wackos is pulling people’s heads off. Clerick is firing into the other one, the one holding the doors shut, and puts him down. With six shots. What a fraggin miracle this guy is. I can’t believe I bought all that hype about him being that good.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:Bart - From the Ashes
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2006, 12:05:45 PM »

About this time, the preacher throws me, and I land somewhere near Bobby. I pull the crazy fragger off of him, and we both get to our feet. The preacher and four cronies surround us, and so Bobby and I start laying into them with our guns. I mean, like we were fighting Red Samurai and stuff. Nothing. Almost nothing phases them.

I look over, and Clerick is shooting what looks like a giant, evil, mutant wasp. He’s not doing too great, when suddenly the door to the church busts in.

The two newer runners, still outside in the homeless shelter, made sure the homeless in that place got to safety, and then took a car to break down the door when they found it locked and couldn’t get in. Clerick is fighting the mutated wasp, and he shouts for them to run for it. They see Mr. Jones and myself outnumbered, and go for reinforcements. Clerick continues shooting the giant wasp, but runs for the new exit as well. Bobby and I seem to have the same idea, and start for that opening as well.

The preacher and his people weren’t having any of it. The one wasp thing followed Clerick out the door, and the other four tried to cut off our retreat. Bobby and I laid into them, but he was getting seriously low on ammo, and I only had three clips left. One of the cronies tore partway apart… and it was weird. The guy had this stinger thing. He moved faster than I could, and shoved that stinger right through Bobby. I could tell it hurt, too, by the way Bobby looked me in the eye when it happened.

I was determined not to let them use anything like that on me, so I kept shooting. I decided to try the exit from this building through the soup kitchen, as Bobby went down and the three things we hadn’t managed to put down started stinging him over and over with those wicked-looking foot long stingers. The preacher came after me, this weird light in his eyes, almost laughing. I blocked out whatever it was he was saying, because I needed to focus on getting out of there.

I couldn’t block out what he was saying- I didn’t know where Clerick or Bobby or anyone else was. Father Vitolus chases me into the kitchen, talking about this ‘new and better world,’ a world where no one is discriminated against. His words match the pamphlets I read earlier, but I have a hard time believing him now.

I stick my gun in his face, and pull the trigger as he grabs me, but it’s empty. Not that I would have wanted shooting another human being on my conscience, but I needed to get out of there, and he was trying to stop me.

He grabbed me again by the front of my jacket, throwing me through a wall and back into the main chapel, where Bobby was looking very unhealthy. He had fourteen or fifteen stab wounds, and he had managed to down another of those wasp things, but the remaining two had stung him may more times in the process.
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
                                (Mercury's Father)


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Re:Bart - From the Ashes
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2006, 12:13:08 PM »

The Reverend came back through the door, and motioned the two of them to see to the door, while he dragged me and Bobby toward what I could only assume were his personal chambers. I struggled in vain, trying to free myself from his grip.

The fragger wouldn’t let me go. So I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed Bobby’s arm and stuck it into his Achilles tendon, where I knew it would cause him some pain and slow him down. I was right, at least about part of it. He dropped me, kicked Bobby in the face before realizing I was the source of the pain, and then grabbed me by the arm and stomped on my chest. He squeezed his grip tight as he stomped a second time, and I could feel blackness coming in on the edges of my vision. I could almost feel the bones of my hand crushing  as he stopped and smiled, satisfied with himself. He gave my poor ruined hand one final squeeze and dropped it.

He picked us up, practically dragging us like corpses, into his private study. He dropped us off to one side, moving aside a carpet before opening a hatch in the floor that lead to a basement area. Within this basement area, I could hear the sounds of people, and the place buzzed like an angry hive of wasps

He dragged us down a few steps. I could hear people pleading for their lives, people stuck to the walls with some sort of mucous, people with boils and scabs all over their bodies. In fact, while I was lying there, I noticed that one of the men down there screamed as one of the boils moved up his neck and over his chin to rest on the side of his skull. I’m lucky my brother wasn’t here, or he would’ve…

I threw up all over the floor. Father Vitolus laughed and said something in a crazy buzzing that made all of the people in there go silent. He carried Bobby over to a wall, sticking him to the same mucous that the rest of the people seemed to be enmeshed in. He then turned and lifted me as if I were weightless, and stuck me in the same sticky resin. It was warm, and it seemed to suck the life out of me, He arranged me for a moment, and then turned his attention back to Bobby. Father Vitolus shook, and his skin seemed to split as a huge wasp tail emerged from his lower back. I vomited again.

I watched as the preacher man split Bobby like a bag full of rotted fish, spilling his intestines out all over the floor. The preacher went to work quickly, cutting the intestines free, and pulling a bunch of other organs out of Bobby’s lifeless shell. Once he was satisfied, he moved over to a gigantic wasp hive, and pulled as small larvae from the paper. Small, who am I kidding? The thing was the side of a football, and wriggled like a newborn. The preacherman shoved this larvae into Bobby’s now empty midsection, and then gently folded the skin back over it, as if treating a newborn baby. It was kinda sick, but I’m not enough of a puss to throw up over stuff like that.
I assumed I was next, and the preacher took his sweet time getting over to me. As he came over to stand in front of me, I was amazed to see Bobby pull himself free of the goop and start walking toward the stairs. I shouted for him to help me, the fragger still owed me money, but as he turned and looked at me, the preacher started laughing.

“He’s one of us now,” was all he said, and I knew that Bobby was still dead.

Bobby moved over to the entry hatch, and I couldn’t help but feel my hope fade as he moved further and further away. Father Vitolus faced me, the stinger shaking in anticipation. Then something went wrong. There was a rumble, and before Bobby or the Father could react, there was a group of runners on the stairs. They were carrying modified shotguns, firing flechette and slugs, cutting into Bobby and the Father. They shot again and again, emptying what must’ve been fifteen shots into each of them. Bobby was barely recognizable, the shards of flechette sticking out of his cyberskull, like a final grinning mask. The Father was far less recognizable, nothing but a red and yellow mush, clothing and bones cut to ribbons. One of the men used a flamethrower on the wasp hive, and the buzzing increased to an almost painful level. The people in the ichor next to me screamed for relief, and as the corporate personnel cut them free, it was clear that they weren’t setting us free.

As they pulled me free of the muck, I landed on the remains of Father Vitolus, and the stinger, somehow still intact, jabbed into my shin. I felt a moment of burning, blinding pain, and then fell into darkness.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital. There was some tech there telling me that they had opened me up to see how the poison had affected me, and while they were in there, they upgraded some of my systems. Specifially, they had fine-tuned my systems, and replaced my ruined hand with some advanced cyberwear. I looked at it, and I wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference unless they had told me.

Dr. Linaweaver came back a few hours later, taking time to talk to me about what cyberwear they had put into me. They had upgraded my systems, but there was so much damage from the previous surgery that there wasn’t a lot they could do. They replaced my arm with a partial cyberlimb, indistinguishable from my other hand, and inserted a retractable cyberspur, for me to use as a weapon. In addition to that, they had wired my brain with a cybercomputer and commlink, so I could talk to my brother at any time. He said there was a switch installed, but stopped himself before saying more. He also said that the computer would allow limited communications with others, and that it would allow me to use my assets to greater tactical advantage.

About this time, I saw the trideo on in the corner of the room. I asked the guard to turn it up, after noticing that I seemed to be involved with the main report. As the guard unmated the channel, the announcer read “Again, we have no leads in the whereabouts of Adam Watrous. Seen is this videotape released by the UCAS FBI, Watrous is seen entering the UB church on fourteenth street in Redmond District, and shooting head preacher and homeless activist Dr. Robert Vitolus. As police were cataloging the carnage caused by Watrous, they would only describe it as ‘grim’,” the announcer went on to talk about the UB being shut down in the UCAS for tax evasion, and my mind seemed to shut off. I was in shock. How could they possibly say that about me?

I laughed out loud. “Oh, those fraggers got the wrong man! They’re looking for my namby-pamby brother, when the real threat is RIGHT HERE! I’M RIGHT HERE FRAGGERS!” I continued to laugh, and then caught the tech’s paling reaction. I shrugged and looked away. “Oh, don’t worry about it, med-boy. I’m not going to hurt anyone here. I only hurt people when I get paid.” Noticing some restraints, I tested them. My new cyberarm felt identical to my real arm.

“Speaking of getting paid, when do I get out of here?”
"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
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3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Bart - From the Ashes
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2006, 01:48:59 PM »

That run is going down tomorow, so I guess you guys get the paydata dump in real time.

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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Re:Bart - From the Ashes
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2006, 02:41:33 PM »

Actually, I was hoping to post the screamsheet and everything up here tonight too, so things might be better than real time. ;D

Of course, I still need to finish the 'Jungle Lovin' post about our Congo expedition.

"There are three rules to surviving a gun fight.
1) Shoot First
2) Shoot More
3) Shoot last
   If you can do that, you can survive."
                                 -Samus Bravo
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Re:Bart - From the Ashes
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2006, 03:34:51 PM »

Ahhhh yea. nothing like a bit of typhoid feaver to get the blood pumping!

-RuskiFace the Pirate
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