As soon as i got to Boston, i went to a restuarant and i called Ruski, a new friend of mine. He is a good decker and i thought he could tell me where Gibbs was.
"Hey Ruski. I need you to find out where a man name Gibbs lives. All i know is he is in boston." I told him everything else he would need to know.
"All right. That will be 5k. I got a headstart already."
Ruski said that the man had just left the New England Aquarium and is heading for Cafe Suisses. He had the telcom number and everything. Told ya he was good.
"What can i do for you sir?" the man asked.
"Nothing. i was just about to leave." i answered hurriedly.
I was heading for Cafe Suisses now, with only about 45 minutes to get Gibbs. I stopped a nice looking car in front of me and asked if they could take me to Cafe Suisses. They picked me up and i waited. Here is your stop the lady said. I noticed something wrong with her tone, but i just couldnt tell what it was....But before i could look at her aura, she wirled around and tried to shoot me.It barely missed my left arm. i opened the door and sprinted into the Cafe, the lady shooting at me. After i got in, i looked at the car model. It was from Novatech! What was it with these people. Since my decker also provided with me a picture, i spotted the man easily. I watched him 3 seats away while sipping my soycaf. After about 10 minutes he left. He got out and went inside his.....NOVATECH model car. I spotted a hummer with the stick still in. The driver was outside checking the peson he ran over. i got in and jammed the Lone Star tracker. Gibbs started off and i waited for a minute until i went after him. The guy who was checking the roadkill didnt notice until i turned the curb. The man kept going until he got to this warehouse and went in. i parked the Hummer 2 blocks away. I walked up to the warehouse and peeked through the doors. There he was, talking to someone else, a buff ork by the looks of it. Frag it. I pulled out my pistol and aimed it at Gibbs head. BAM!! Finally Gibbs was down. The ork didnt know what happened and i shot him once in the heart and once in the head. Done. I was about to leave when i remembered something. The disc! I searched Gibbs' jacket and found nothing. Drek. I did find a cred stick and picked it up as a tip. I looked in the orks jacket and...voila, i had it. Time to head home.
I met up with my Johnson and told him the good news. I handed him the disk while i got a nice credstick. Instead of 20k in it there was 30k. He said it was a tip.
"But i am not done. Meet me here again in a week's time and i will give you another job." Mr.Johnson said.
"Got it." i replied and left for my well deserved break, wondering about Novatech...