Well, at that point in the storyline, the comic had written itself into a corner, too.
This was the point in the comic where the clone of the Professor came back from space with the Shi'ar and was able to walk and stuff, and then had an accident that left his body intact, but his mind was gone!
Also, I think Scott came back with them, also as a clone. Jean I think they just magik-ed away her extra powers, and she was back to normal.
Although I think it would be awesome to see Asteroid M as the next storyline. Perhaps those and the Sentinels, which they TOTALLY glossed over this movie.
Also, if you haven't bought this yet, don't. The 'extras' on it are lame, including two versions of a scene that was deleted, one where Magneto has a beard, and one where he doesn't. I didn't even remember seeing extra endings, like I was promised, but it was lameness X one million.