I have to say, I'm a bit surprised no one posted about this show before I did. If you missed the first episode, you should go pirate it. It was pretty damn interesting.
For any of you who may not be familiar with the show, it is on NBC at 8:00 Central on Mondays (at least for the moment) and it is more or less a drama revolving around the emergance of new "special" individuals. (i.e. mutants/metahumans) So far, the show has a kind of realistic feel to it. No eye-lasers or flashy special effects at all. In fact, the only real special effect of the entire thing was the last minute of the show when someone was flying. So far there are 6 possible "special" people. An artist who gets smacked up on heroine and paints the future, a single mom in Vegas whose "mirror image" self seems to have a life of its own, a japanese NERD who loves Star Trek and finds that he can bend space/time, a teenage cheerleader from Odessa, Texas (I just love that name) who seems to have a massive healing factor, a male nurse who may or may not be able to fly with or without his brother's help, and a little boy of about 8-12 ish who seems to be the next Forge. All of them are being tracked by a man from India whose father predicted advanced human evolution and whome the sone thinks was murdered for it.
I don't want to give any of the spoilers away, but I thought it was really well done. Like I said before, it seemed much more realistic than say "Mutant X" or "Dark Angel" or any of those. You can actually feel these people, except maybe the cheerleader. She doesn't want her powers, but keeps trying to find a wl to hurt herself. At one point, she gets pissed off that she has to push a few ribs back into her torso instead of dieing from the wound. Go figure.
Anyway, two thumbs up from me, and you can check out the web sight if you like, but I'm going to watch and let it get revealed instead.