Well, I did run a movie theater for like two years. You pick up some contacts in the industry that way. I STILL know the major managers for three theaters around my house- one of them I can just walk into any time and watch the movie for free, one of them I can do it whenever the head manager is around, and the other, well, I could hang out there, but they don't usually have many good movies.
On top of that, my fiance loves movies, so we go whenever we can.
I'm just lucky.
Oh, but 300. You have GOT to see it.
I know the Spartans were supposed to fight naked, but that would have been a little distracting. Instead, they give the Spartans red capes and like... iron underpants or something. But the battle scenes are partially filmed in slow motion, so you're watching these Spartans just run through these crowds of persians, killing everyone in thier wake.
The battle scenes are incredible.
Oh, and the two lines actually credited to the Spartans in the story, "We will fight in the shade," and "Come and take them," were both in the book and the movie. That's a level of bad-assitude that I can barely comprehend.