Sadly, I've already had a long in-depth conversation with someone about whether or not Jayne had a crush on Kaylee.
Her stance was that if not for Simon being around, Jayne would have scored. *shudder*
But look at Jayne- most of his emotional level is grade school. And in the first episode, before you ever really knew anything about the characters, Kaylee is all into the doctor, and Jayne is teasing her like he's a jealous little kid.
Like Zone said, it also showed up in the show when Kaylee was shot.
Honestly, I think he has some sort of emotional attachment, although she doesn't return it (at least, not on the level that he does). So he has a crush on her, and she either doesn't know about it, or doesn't feel the same way, so she doesn't bring it up.
That's my .02Y
As for Walsh dying... I liked it. I know it was opposite of the story- it didn't blend with anything, and they spent the entire movie making him a major character, only to kill him in the last ten minutes. But too often I'm able to predict hollywood movie endings, especially for romcoms and horror movies, which are the literary equivalent of supermarket tabloids. (I mean, the guy and girl who look the best together will end up together. Even if one or both of them have a significant other- they either have to die or turn out to be jerks, so they can break up and the pretty couple can get together at the end) Wash dying was a shock to me- something that made me realize that maybe these characters weren't so immortal, and maybe they COULD die at any time. I kind of expected Book to die, especially with the lack of focus on him, but Wash catching it shook me up, and made the end of the movie that much more interesting.
At least for me. Of course, I loved the movie.