Hoi Chummers,
Well, I am now officially ALMOST moved in to the new doss in South Carolina. For those of you who didn't know (or didn't care) I have been in the middle of the move from hell for the last several weeks. As of now, that is nearly done with.
My GF and I got to the new places a bit over a week ago. I am living in an old two-bedroom house and she is about 2 miles away in a two-bedroom apartment. The problem is that my place is about 60 years old (not an exagerasion) and hers is on the 3rd floor. So the physical move was pretty nasty. Everything that could go wrong DID go wrong. I am now in the process of reporting my moving company to the Better Business Beuroe (sp) and looking for a job. Sarah is working from her place online with the same company and hating it. The cats are all freaked out, and the land lord is trying to have my next-door neighbor arrested for stealing his lawnmower (shich he took to his place when the previous tenant left it in the middle of the yard and the neighbor used it to cut my grass for me before I got here).
On the up-side, I get a bit of a break from work, and some freinds of mine back in LA decided to set up a MySpace page for me since I didn't have one and they wanted to keep in touch. I don't know just how I feel about that, but hey, at least they made the effort.

If any of you care to browse by, feel free. The link is:
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=213329820 If that doesn't work, just look for Darth Gwire. Again, they created the name and the account, not me.

Anyway, I need to run. More things to do around here. Talk to you chummers soon.