Hi all, I'm working up a campaign plan for the other side of the shadows. That's right, playing as Lone Star. I'm not planning on starting this with my table-top group until next summer at the earliest, as I am completing my last 2 semesters of an ELT degree, and I don't want shadowrun to end up getting in the way of that (as I have a tendency to do).
Anyway, I'm envisioning a campaign full of beat-cops, focusing mainly on the interactions between "partners" while being challenged by a populus that hates them. My main inspiration for this game is the TV drama from the 80's known as Hill Street Blues.
I'm thinking of splitting the players up into "partners" of 2, each with a Lone Star unit, and giving them a patrol route, with occasional involvements in larger operations. I'm tempted to try and have some of the player's at the detective or undercover level of policing, but I'm wary of creating two non-cooperative parties. My group has the tendency to become belligerent if given an excuse to do so.
My current plan is for 4 players, I might expand to 6.
Mainly what I'd like this thread to help me produce is a set of Character Creation Guidlines that will allow my players to make unique individuals, but without creating super-cops. My thoughts are to begin at about 300 BP's, and adjust from there.
As a side note, if you have any ideas for amusing/trying situations for a cop to get stuck in, feel free to contribute those as well.
I'll have a sample beat cop built sometime soon (just probably not tonight) He/she'll be up her soon.