I haven't seen "Food Fight 4.0" -- what book is that in?
(We always called it "Back to the Shack" and made it mandatory for new players to run through it before playing anything else. Made for some funny stories, because sometimes it goes well, and sometimes not so much.)
Anyway, Gabe- other than vaguely threatening letters, anything happened with this?
Did you hear that the lady who fought the lawsuit for hosting thousands of songs, (the one they decided owed the RIAA like $220,000) is fighting the constitutionality of the penalty, based on the bill of rights "cruel and unusual punishment" since the RIAA only loses $.70 per song that's downloaded illegally, and they're charging her the maximum that they can- which is over 1000% of the expected value of the song? So even if they do take you to court (unlikely), there's a good chance that they'll lose. And since they'll have to spend money for a team of lawyers to prosecute you, they'll lose out BIG. Even if you settle out of court for a couple thousand dollars (which you can then stiff them for, OJ-Style), they'll still have to pay thier team of lawyers.
It gives me happy thoughts to know that the RIAA is being reigned in. If I had a little pixie dust, I would be able to fly right now!