Comcast reminds you that use of the Service (or any part of the Service) in any manner that constitutes an infringement of any copyrighted work is a violation of Comcast's Acceptable Use Policy and may result in the suspension or termination of your Service account.
Be a good boy or Comcast will turn off your intarwebs.
Generally it's a scare e-mail which is pretty good at stopping most people from downloading stuff. Most people don't realize that every server/hub you connect to keeps a log of your information so administrators can see who connected to what, where, and when. Most people thing that the internet is totally secure and no one can find any information about you unless you willingly give it. Most people are dumb.

I now link you to a story: sure if you've read it or not, but a woman in Minnesota was fined $9,250 for each of the 24 songs she shared on Kazaa. I'll help with the math, that's a total of a $220,000 fine! Ridiculous, I know, but she's appealing and I think she'll win the appeal.
Moral of the story? Don't use P2P programs. Wanna be a cut above the rest? Use Torrent files, but be smart about it and connect to torrent servers outside of the US. Want to be l33t? Use proxies